EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1712

By the way, while the card is being played up.....

At 9 o'clock terminal time already drawn...)))))))))

9 o'clock terminal time already played... )))))))))

no way.

the american data is coming out))


Crunch is poking fun at it too)):

I didn't understand a lot of his maths, but what I did understand makes me think of HIM as a real scientist. The man is truly a creator.

No way.

the american data is coming out))

I don't care....)))) I'm in the baja....)))))


I did not understand much of his mathematics, but what I did understand makes HIM a true scientist. The man is truly a creator.

I will now look into his article and formulas.

Crunch is poking fun there too)):

I wasn't joking, I quite seriously suggested that he test his theory in practice.
I wasn't joking, I was quite seriously suggesting that he test his theory in practice.

I'm talking about the followers in our thread. Has he posted predictions somewhere?

the jewish money doesn't want to go up))))

if only it would go down steadily))))

at least when it's going down i make much better money than when it's going up))))


I'm talking about the followers in our thread. Has he posted forecasts anywhere?
But he preferred not to notice my comment and continued to pour water over it. Let him...

the jewish money does not want to go up))))

(they're waiting for the eurikas to go down))))

Waiting, thinking - these euriks ....))))