EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1679


The down-correction (in general the EUR is rising globally) has not finished with the targets 1.3430 or 1.3270. I think the maximum would be 1.3320 and then 1.44. Maybe according to the blue variant it will go to 1.3640 (correction in correction - that is what it is called.)

On the Friday before closing there was the usual fixation and, as usual, the drawing of arrows into the beyond began)))

I've got a target of 1.3249 (I put it on my TP)... the first target is 1.3249 (I put it in my orders as a TP)

observations with this indicator that draws these chips show that 85-90% of all cases on any timeframe the target marked with 1 is reached


I've got this on the daily chart right now... the first target is 1.3249 (I put it as a TP in my orders)

the observations of this indicator that draws such chips show that 85-90% of all cases on any timeframe the target marked with the number 1 is reached

So give us the grail in the studio)))

I've got this triangle here, what does it say:


So give me the grail in the studio)))

I've got this triangle to say what:

Judging by your picture and my previous one - again a convergence ))))) your final target on H4 is 1.3295, and the indicator I use is 1.3294 ))))


I'll lay out my thoughts on the week ahead... So what we have at the beginning of next week(H1):

The price has ended at the trend line 1 . Therefore, the targets are 1.3609, 1.3735 and 1.3856, in case the price breaks through trendline 1, i.e. if the price goes up. The touch of the trendline 2 will give us additional targets against the down trend, they are not defined yet, till the price gets to the trendline 2.

In case there is a bounce from trend 1 we will go down to the percentage targets

Either way, a bounce from trend 1 or 2 takes us to the trend targets in these two patterns.


On the 4h chart we also see a downtrend pattern with both up-trend and counter-trend targets... If the trend level is 1.315, if it penetrates the trend line, the price may easily reach 1.386, or even 1.41, which is doubtful ... It's too far to the target... Most likely, in the coming week the euro will move between the two lines going down (idiotically written :) )

again down from Friday there is still an unfilled put at 1.3506 (353)... and the nearest good call is up at 1..3572 (503)... it is possible that the options situation will continue as the price is in the area of selling interest - Call/Put ratio = 0.5

when you hover over an option level, the Call, Put, Prise, Volume and Time are displayed - the right to exercise, but not the obligation

and in your fibo indicator I don't understand where 1 is, there are a lot of them


Judging by your picture and my previous one - again a convergence ))))) your final target on H4 is 1.3295 and the indicator I use is 1.3294 ))))

1.3270 if it gets there.

when hovering over an option level, Call, Put, Prise, Volume, Time, and this is the right to exercise, but not the obligation

and your fibo indicator I don't understand where 1 is, there are many of them

extreme right dotted vertical. )))

heard that the first digit of this indicator is a wave number... it's related to zigzags... I did not go into details, so I have no right to judge, because I do not know anything about waves... here is a link to the topic on this turkey and another one If you specify in the settings tfFibo - say, equal to 1440 (D1)

I am also just getting acquainted with Rustami's indices... but i've already started to understand some things and there is less confusion... Although i'm still far away from the author...


1.3270 if it gets there.
20 pips back and forth - I guess it's not an option for us, right? Let's agree, in order not to offend anyone - let's take the arithmetic mean (simple, not like in Mashki) and get the result - 1,3286 )))) Here it will be a TP )))) and for sure it was a TP - cut off the 4th sign and leave 1,328 ))) and everyone is good...
20 pips back and forth - I guess it's not an option for us, right? Let's agree, so it won't offend anyone - let's take the arithmetic mean (simple, not like in Mashki) and get the result - 1.3286 )))) Here it will be a TP )))) and for sure it was a TP - cut off the 4th sign and leave 1.328 )))) and everyone is good...

I have another ray at 1.3330-70, and a break-up cannot be ruled out, time will show.