EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1553

I wonder... in the next two hours is it possible to roll back?

What Ebipet??? The analysts are getting completely delusional. ))))

Looks like pure profit taking as Friday is the end of the week and month.

the only question is at what level?
2011.01.28 18:54:14 *Merkel: Eurozone needs a more coordinated economic policy
2011.01.28 18:53:49 *Merkel: The benchmark for Europe should be global competitiveness
2011.01.28 18:50:27 *Merkel: Speculation against eurozone debt is rooted in reality
2011.01.2828 18:47:20 *Merkel: If the Euro Collapses, Europe Collapses
2011.01.28 18:46:34 *Merkel: The Euro Is Much More Than A Currency
2011.01.28 18:46:16 Merkel: The Euro Is Much More Than A Currency
2011.01.28 18:45:04 *Tanks appeared on the streets of Suez/Egypt - Reuters
2011.01.28 18:44:15 *Merkel: Commodity price volatility must be reduced
2011.01.28 18:43:34 *Merkel: Very little time left before Doha Round of talks
2011.01.28 18:42:27 *Merkel says she is concerned about growing signs of protectionism
2011.01.28 18:41:33 *Merkel: Imbalances are inevitable with diverging competitiveness
2011.01.28 18:40:17 *DAVOS: Merkel: Exchange rates should reflect fundamentals
2011.01.28 18:38:53 *DAVOS: Merkel: The G20 must not be allowed to lose its sense of urgency
2011.01.28 18:59:53 *Dollar continued to rise amid demand for safe haven assets, euro falls below $1.36
2011.01.28 19:00:27 *Merkel: No return to old antagonisms allowed
2011.01.28 18:54:14 *Merkel: Eurozone needs more co-ordinated economic policy
2011.01.28 18:53:49 *Merkel: Europe's criterion must be global competitiveness
2011.01.28 18:50:27 *Merkel: Speculation against the debt obligations of the eurozone is rooted in reality
2011.01.28 18:47:20 *Merkel: If the euro collapses, Europe collapses
2011.01.28 18:46:34 *Merkel: The euro is much more than just a currency
2011.01.28 18:46:16 Merkel: The Euro Is Much More Than A Currency
2011.01.28 18:45:04 *Tanks appeared on the streets of Suez/Egypt - Reuters
2011.01.28 18:44:15 *Merkel: The volatility of commodity prices must be reduced
2011.01.28 18:43:34 *Merkel: Very little time left before Doha round of talks
2011.01.28 18:42:27 *Merkel says she is concerned about growing signs of protectionism
2011.01.28 18:41:33 *Merkel: Imbalances are inevitable when there are differences in competitiveness
2011.01.28 18:40:17 *DAVOS: Merkel: Exchange rates must reflect fundamentals
2011.01.28 18:38:53 *DAVOS: Merkel: The G20 must not be allowed to lose its sense of urgency
2011.01.28 18:59:53 *Dollar continues to rise on demand for safe haven assets, euro falls below $1.36
2011.01.28 19:00:27 *Merkel: No return to old antagonisms must be allowed

this verbal diarrhea tells me nothing. but judging by the history of the eurobucks it has always been somewhere around 1.3 - 1.4 (a subjunctive view)

I also see that she is the only one who is fucked up))))
It's not kidding .... I think they're starting to draw the left shoulder on the cross

Which Ebipet??? The analysts are getting completely delusional. ))))

Looks like pure profit taking as Friday is the end of the week and month.

That's what I believe.
2011.01.28 18:47:20 *Merkel: If the euro collapses, Europe collapses

We do not give a damn ))))) Just as long as there is some movement ))))
all .... today with that and the traffic ends .scalp enthusiasts go both ways

What Ebipet??? The analysts are getting completely delusional. ))))

Looks like pure profit taking as Friday is the end of the week and month.

Looks like a lot of people were gambling on the upside, waiting for a hairpin or another divorce :)))) pigs, in other words :)))) they got slaughtered today :)))
It seems to me that the Euro simply overheated, that is why it fell so strongly, however, we have one more key level 1.3755! As Strueger would say: everything that is lower than 1.3755 - sell, higher - buy))))
We don't really give a shit ))))) Just as long as there's some action ))))
That's for sure