EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1442


What do you think of the Jewbucks, on the H1 tf?

from 1438 read on.
Active account
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Determines the quarterly difference between imported and exported goods, services and income flows. An upward trend has a positive effect on a country's currency. The Current Account is an accounting of a country's trade with other countries. It adds to the final Trade Balance and currency traders focus on income streams.
I think it is possible that activity ran out at the previous high, although the pullback did not confirm this...

0:24 surge in activity on the euro.

What time is it?



will the greenwich hour be the terminal +2 hours?


will the greenwich hour be the terminal +2 hours?

Do you have a terminal in the Atlantic Ocean?

I live in nizhny novgorod. i have 2:25. the terminal has 0:25.

So UTC+1 (terminal), either UTC+3 (local) or just msc.