EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1216


The angle of the move up in the eurik on the H4, which started from the 1.3050-1.3100 levels is 70 degrees. This suggests that a pullback to 1.32 would be the minimum.

And on the H2, how much? And on H5, H6, H7, H3,35? The subject of angles is interesting. So what does it give you? Any clues as to what to think? Not serious. You should at least attach a picture. Measure it with what? With a protractor?

I have my own way though.

Happy New Year to all the locals, walruses, moose keepers and those who think they don't belong!

Here's a New Year's present for you)


Here's a New Year's present for you)

That's right, just down to the 1.22-23 area.

All right, only down to 1.22-23.
Main target down at 1.22 BUT, there will be another wave up before that, I will draw it later) let 1 target work out first.
Main target down 1.22 BUT, there will be another wave up before that, I'll draw it later)let 1 target work out first.

That's not what I'm saying, one candle from 1.37 to 1.22)))


Up you think? (what about the crisis).

"The EUR/USD movement in a wide downward channel (1.58-1.27-1.50-1.1850) promises a rather unenviable fate for the single currency with the possibility of falling to 1.06 by the end of 2011. Of course, this is a rather extreme scenario. A "soft landing" around 1.20 is promised. The alternative positive scenario for the euro promises a close to 1.40 and even a firm break-up of this level. The probabilities of the three scenarios are roughly distributed as follows: 40:40:15. 5% on the probability of a drop below 1.06. At the moment, a drop of the euro to 1.06 looks more than enough to put Europe in a superior position compared to its competitors, so the euro will rise further and in the long term."


Up you think? (what about the crisis)

Let them relax a bit before a new crisis))) up short term.