EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1148


Can't seem to get back behind the trend, wants to go up and crawls along the line...


Downwards not yet down to 1.3060 - divorces so far. (also not liking)(wolf is probably all mixed up or didn't know or didn't say, demark is all mixed up too)

It should bounce off the channel, but there is no strength even for such a squishy trend...

Average Andrews pitchfork (daily): very strong attraction...

Imho: somewhere around the level of 1.3060-1.3064 to the channel and will crawl...

No one is probably playing the long term here.

not playing, but trading))))))))

basic white... before the meeting at the bottom...


Can't seem to get back behind the trend, wants to go up and crawls along the line...

just no strength to go back but to pass the level .... it's not clear yet .... but i think we'll get it this time :)))



remove the price from the chart... all the fun of looking at the indices is ruined... you don't need it there)))))))))

Going for a narrowing of the price range on the euchre and then a shot.
the charts show the big funds' take and expectation for the eu
before new year - 70% expect 1.34...... before february 1 80% expect - 1.37-39..... but before march 1 90% expect 1.2, i.e. expect a default in february by Greece or ireland

play not play, but trade trades))))))))

basic white... before the meeting below...

Wow, that's just the prediction by the end of 2012 ;)
I remembered Galina hasn't been here for a long time, she must have been swept away by an avalanche or she is now posting there rubbing her ears
So we've been slammed.