EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1110


Diagonal 30cm. notebook - 2 bills - 23 pairs in the works.

Singaporean here added on the tip of a comrade. Why three screens (and a squint!)

I have a pretty good laptop I want to get a table monster.

Any guesses, will EURUSD return to 1.32200?

It seems that after the breakdown, the price should return and confirm the breakdown level before finally rushing down ...


Any guesses, will EURUSD return to 1.32200?

It seems that after the breakdown, the price should return and confirm the breakdown level before finally rushing down ...

So it will come back.

I have a good laptop I would like to have a table monster.
There is a trader who has a big screen on his wall and goes further away and makes TA there, for example - a mummy standing up or a bird bites - what he sees and the forecasts come true.
There is a trader who has a big screen on his wall and goes further away and makes TA there for example - a rising mummy or a bird bites - what he sees and forecasts come true.

I think that's a joke. I have a TV set and I stopped making predictions a long time ago. I need a MONITOR for my toys.

I think that's a joke. I have a TV. And I stopped making predictions a long time ago. I need a MONITOR for my toys.
No, I'm not kidding. He makes prognoses all the time.

I think that's a joke. I have a TV. And I stopped making predictions a long time ago. I need a MONITOR for my games.

Do you already have a video card as expensive as a monitor, so you can calculate all the polygons for this resolution?

Do you already have a graphics card of the same price as a monitor, so you can calculate all the polygons for this resolution?

To choose a monitor, watch this year's movie called "Wall Street".

There's a funny guy (starring) who has a computer and six (6) monitors on top of each other in two rows (3 x 2) in his house. A kind of wall.

And on each monitor a different schedule ...

The system made me smile :-)

On such a system of monitors you can play races ... on the charts :)


To choose a monitor, watch this year's movie called "Wall Street".

There's a funny guy (starring) who has a computer in his house and six (6) monitors on top of each other in two rows (3 x 2). A kind of wall.

And on each monitor a different schedule ...

The system made me smile :-)

On such a system of monitors you can play races ... on the charts :)

How much money would you have to invest? To do that.