EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 576

why are there different pound quotes on different websites? who knows how much the pound is now.

Rough outline for the coming week:

Starting Tuesday-Wednesday, heading north, but it's not yet clear how fast the climb will be, possibly very fast, with a high update on Friday (based on the previous Friday's scenario), or perhaps a drag of some sort on the 2nd or 4th)))))

Anyone else have any options?

I agree with your prediction! But I think a break above 1.41 is premature for now, maybe new data this week will confirm or deny it... for some reason

I agree with your prediction! But a break above 1.41 I think is premature for now, maybe new data this week will confirm or deny it...

Anything is possible, especially if the market drops below 1.36... In the meantime, the minimum target is below 1.3650-1.3750, which the market will surely reach... It would be nice if they draw a 5-wave downwards, then a false pullback upwards with further breakdown of the maximum... That would be the most profitable option for the game organizer :), time will tell, while we rest.


Anything is possible, especially if the market drops below 1.36... In the meantime, the minimum downside target is 1.3650-1.3750, which the market will surely come to... It would be nice if they draw a 5-wave downwards, then a false pullback upwards with further breakdown of the maximum... That would be the most profitable option for the organizer of the game :), time will tell, while we rest.

All the rest? And something below 1.3860 does not go
all resting? And something is not going below 1.3860
If it did not go up right away, it is stabilization, the momentum has passed and nobody knows where it will go next. Let's leave the positions open or let's fix a part of them.

he'll probably draw a second shoulder on H4 and we'll all go down:))))

Stanger, where did our correspondence disappear to?

he'll probably draw a second shoulder on H4 and we'll all go down:))))

1.3970 I think they will do it... maybe higher