EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 340

Here we go, even lower :)

So that's it, you've been agitating for everyone, but you've been quietly dealing. Not good.

You wrote it yourself, only to bait.

I did not sell, I just use a Sell Stop instead of a Stop Loss:)))

Mrs Galina, it will be even lower when it is below 1.2587:)))


I didn't settle, I just use a sell stop instead of a stop loss:))))

Ms Galina, it will still be lower, that's when it's below 1.2587:)))

Yep :)
I didn't settle, I just use a sell stop instead of a stop loss:)))

Who told you about the seven bays?

If the price shoots up, it turns out to be the world champion. If the price went down, it turns out that there are not seven bays, but some other "I don't only have bays" and "instead of a stop loss I use a sell stop".

I take it that the news release no longer affects the Euroland?

Who told you about the seven beys?

Six buys and one Red Army man.

Evra go ahead!


Six Bajas and one Red Army man.

Evra forward!

What's that supposed to mean?


Six bays and one Red Army man.


sat down once, stood up twice...


Six Bajas and one Red Army man.

Evra forward!

Saxons? )

Who told you about the seven bays?

If the price shoots up, it turns out to be the world champion. If the price went down, it turns out that there are not seven bays, but some other "I don't only have bays" and "instead of a stop loss, there is a sell-stop".

I told you about Sell Stops instead of Stop Losses long ago, we argued about it with someone else, and you thought I was like a moron, holding 7 bays and praying that the price went up:)))