EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 286

You'd better post what your program shows on a monthly timeframe - it's interesting to see what it draws.

Yeah... what if Anichka catches on? A girl can get a little stalkeristic.

Yeah... what if Anichka catches on? A girl can get a little stalker-y.

1) I'm not a girl, I'm an aunt))

2)We've already figured it out and we're at peace. I wish you the same:)

3) No comment. Z.S. That's my real fan.

Who has a vision for next week?

1) I'm not a girl, I'm an aunt)))

2)We've already figured it out and we're at peace. I wish you the same:)

3) No comment. Z.U. Here's my real fan.

Uh... You're promoting a forum?

Who's looking at the next week?

The usual, either up or down:)

Some guys are selling dollars, other guys are buying them in large quantities, I'd rather wait until they agree amongst themselves.

Who has a view on the next week?

When we open, it will become clear...

The probability of going to 1.25 will be determined by the opening.

I see a return to the current trend.


Um... forum advertising?

I looked it up, we don't have a better one.

Rucker, can I sign up for your German course? ))))


When we open, it will become clear...

The probability of going to 1.25 will be determined by the opening.

I see a return to the current trend.

Yeah, me too, only reports are worrying - they sold a lot of euriks to avoid going down to 1.2650.

Um... forum advertising?

Come on, do not follow the link and all. A friend threw it when he saw the triangle - "I see so" from the author of a triangle smiled))).