EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 187

So what? They've been given more money than necessary.
Explain the emphasis. If they owed it, they lent it to them...

I believe it is just beginning...

The americos have a national debt that is growing beyond all imaginable limits. Their money is not backed by anything at all. Europe's problems are not even remotely impressive in the US. Only the USA has the ability to print almost unlimited amounts of money, and in Europe, it is more problematic. So the best is yet to come!
Tantrik is right, I think.
In America, the stress tests went unnoticed, although banks went bankrupt. I haven't really read how systematic it was and how strict the requirements were. And somehow I did not pay attention to the results.
Who can see the target for the move? I'm getting 1.2830/35, but I've never been able to preogogue an exit.

If you don't know where the exit is, you HAVE to close.

Personally, I closed like I said. 1.2883, 130p is enough for me.


If you don't know where the exit is, you HAVE to close.

Personally, I closed like I said. 1.2883, 130 pips is enough for me.

I'm listening and I'm doing it!
12:19 20/07 DJ: MARKETS TALK: Euro/dollar pair falls amid fears around stress tests

July 20. /Dow Jones/. EUR/USD traded lower on EBS at 1.2865 against Monday's closing level of 1.2945 as investors' reluctance to take risks ahead of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's speech in the U.S. Congress on Wednesday and Thursday and the release of stress tests on European banks on Friday intensified. On the background of uncertain rates of the US economic recovery and concerns over possible spreading of sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone to the banking system of the region the recent growth of euro/dollar pair to the mark 1,30, possibly, was excessive, said Simon Smollett from Credit Agricole CIB.
-Contact New York: Darlene Ross, 212 416-2166; darlene.ross @; PRIME-TASS translation; +7 495 974 7664; dowjonesteam @
Dow Jones Newswires, PRIME-TASS
I agree about the excessive growth, they have been sharply increased. But I do not understand the concerns about stress tests of European banks. With the low euro and signs of economic recovery, banking problems can easily be solved by additional issuance, maybe a small reform. It's not easy to envy the Americans now. They are printing dollars in four shifts with such a national debt, high exchange rate, a decline in the balance of foreign trade and production.
I agree about the excessive growth, it's a bit steep. But I do not understand the concerns about stress tests of European banks. Given the low euro and signs of economic recovery, the banking problems can easily be solved by additional issuance, maybe a small reform. It's not easy to envy the Americans now. They are printing dollars in four shifts with such a national debt, high exchange rate, a decline in the balance of foreign trade and production.

Stress tests are an excuse - to reset the price. America is a separate issue - the dollar can always be supported by the strongest army in the world. And anything short of that can be bought...