EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 176


I would like to see a white scenario (head - shoulders ... on n4) we'll see about that...

well, it looks like it's starting to fall....

Ireland has been downgraded, so we're going down.

well that's good... a pullback is needed... The main thing for the bears now is not to hesitate and to break through the resistance at once(the upper boundary of the channel, the one that was broken through on Thursday)...

they don't have the strength to go straight through! we'll crawl...
they don't have the strength to go straight through! we'll crawl...

yes ... not in a hurry )))))
I think it's too early to's a correction...

Closed the gap on the eu.

rumour has it that thebanks' stress tests were a success... when will the official results be in?


The results of the stress tests of 91 European banks will be published on 23 July.


where do we go from here?