EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 136


GBP, buy 1.51661, take 1.51939, loss 1.49749, take

on the euro I would like you do ?

просто лучше - в каждом своем прогнозе в конце добавлять - НА МОЙ ВЗГЛЯД....

And what is the point? Everything each of us writes here is "in his opinion", "imho" - whatever you call it, a purely personal point of view.

And those who miss this note have probably blindly followed other people's predictions, leaked and are now angry at those who post their vision of the situation here :)

i've been following and losing, but i'm not angry, i'm watching and learning


on the euro i would like to...are you doing ?

On the eu you have to look for the parameters, and on the pound they are there, really don't know if there are more nifty or if you have to change them over time, so far this is how it is.

No offense of course... No offence, of course ... but you haven't run any tests ... you don't know how everything is searched and worked ... I'm not saying anything about forecasts ... why even bother posting them?

The k-NN method of finding the nearest neighbour...can also be applied simply to the time series...followed by projection...if the data was fed in as a lag window...etc...

this thread reminds me more of a funny pictures rubric....

It's hard to be insulted when you talk like this, and even to you. You and I have not been drinking on the brotherhood table. If you are criticizing the accuracy of some methods' predictions, why do you need to get personal? Start by criticizing your own predictions. Here are your outlines in green. You don't have enough deposits to trade with. You'll have to learn some more trading and manners.


what's the point? everything each of us writes here is "in his opinion", "imho" - whatever you want to call it, a purely personal point of view

And those who miss this note have probably blindly followed other people's predictions, leaked and are now angry at those who post their vision of the situation here :)

I've followed, I've lost, but I'm not angry, I'm watching and learning.

i've never followed anyone else's...i don't even look...if i do - that's it - my aura starts to deteriorate))) ....

about Prival and Notterday i don't think they are watching either... will not learn how to make predictions on this me...don't waste your time...


No offence when you use that kind of language. You and I have not been drinking on the brotherhood table. If you criticize the accuracy of some methods of prediction, why do you have to get personal. Start by criticizing your own predictions. Here are your outlines in green. You don't have enough deposits to trade with. You'll have to learn a lot of trading and manners.

))))))) Our country is )))))) Look at other countries, they call old people "you" until they are old... not in any way personalizing them, etc... we are not playing noble maidens here....

or funny pictures - which we don't understand ))))))

2.What was the note attached to the post ???????????????? - why take out a piece of ?????????????????? from the text?

3. Just above - wrote - do not bullshit !!!!! - it does not do any good ...... DO (INAUDIBLE) - history tests !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then post it......

if i say something, i do not take it from the ceiling ....... with grids and all sorts of crap i've been playing with for 3 years.........


It's hard to be offended when you insult me in this way, and even in the YOU way. You and I have not been drinking on the brotherhood table. If you are criticizing the accuracy of some methods of prediction, then why do you need to get personal. Start by criticizing your own predictions. Here are your outlines in green. With predictions like that, you don't have enough deposits to trade. You'll have to learn a lot of trading and manners.

Answer question number 2 - of the previous post........ how did you understand the note to the above screenshot...if you understood it at all )) which I highly doubt......

Yapping, squabbling, and unjustifiably throwing themselves at anything moving, little mutts peeking out from under the gate, hardly anyone has seen a St Bernard or a Great Dane throwing itself under the wheels or at people.

People's characters are akin to dogs, if you don't like it, state your view, why fart in the lift.

The post is aimed at squabbling people.


Noterday's current state of affairs on euchre, fit with your 'alternative' option? No kidding...


Yapping, squabbling, and unjustifiably throwing themselves at anything moving, little mutts peeking out from under the gate, hardly anyone has seen a St Bernard or a Great Dane throwing itself under the wheels or at people.

People's characters are akin to dogs, if you don't like it, state your opinion, why fart in the lift.

state who the post is addressed to ....))))), or you said to the sky )))))