EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 53

I've been in lots all day) it's a shame to close, it'll come back down.
alpaaaaary, auuuuuuu) no connection again))

Worked all day today, didn't notice any problems with the connection

fevrall: I've been sitting in the lochs all day) it's a shame to close it, he'll come back down...

If a person falls from the 1st floor, they will get up immediately. If a person falls from the 4th floor, he won't get up soon.

So it won't be long before he comes back down.

If a person falls from the 1st floor, they will get up immediately. If a person falls from the 4th floor, they will not get up soon.
great saying +10
Well, seems to be without interventions and shenanigans, seems to be fair. Should finally go up.
Целый день сегодня работал, проблем со связью не замечал
maybe the servers are different
Well, seems to be without interventions and shenanigans, seems to be fair. Should finally go up.

Who and until where?

Any thoughts on the pound?

Well, that's a hell of a day.

Who and where?

On the pound, who has any thoughts?

I told you mine yesterday - 1.5180.)))

And on the euro my picture is


The triangle is broken by the way.

Yeah, I knew it was going to go up, yesterday I was waiting for it and I opened buying the pound and the yen. Just this morning everyone was saying, my friend said, "It will go down, close while it's not too late" I closed, in deficit. Now I look and cry. In general, I should have listened less to everybody.

I should have let the robot trade, it is better at it =)

Oksana, don't cry.......the market is not going anywhere....

Psychology and herd instinct are our enemies ... I had noticed - as soon as I start trading on the forum + chatting by ICQ ... profitability either drops sharply or none at all (like today - all day on the fence)))...

One has to listen to the market...

Good luck to all of us and profits....