A suggestion to the administration - page 17

Yes... One post of mine (I can't even remember which one) and you've made such a fuss... You "gentlemen" will never agree with each other. And I won't even elaborate on who's with whom and for what reason. There is probably only one adequate person here now, but my own opinion on the subject I'll keep to myself. Because it is useless.
I haven't seen a living Father Christmas.
I went to shoot...

Nah, guys, enough shitting, OK?
I haven't seen a living Father Christmas.
I went to shoot...

Nah, guys, enough shitting, OK?
Novay. :)
Peter, if you have the time, pour on the fibo.
Peter, if you have the time, pour on the fibo.
I remember. For all my outward non-seriousness - I'm a pretty responsible person. )))
Rather, I'll just put it in the base...
Please prove this your "moderator" assessment.

A moderator does not have to prove his or her moderatorial judgement. The moderator is the ultimate authority. At most what he should and must do is to write in a private message why the post was deleted, without explaining the reasons in front of you.


A moderator does not have to prove his or her moderatorial judgement. The moderator is the ultimate authority. At most he should and is obliged to do is to write to the persona why the post was deleted, without explaining the reasons in front of him.

Where the hell is that coming from? And if the moderator is wrong? And not deservedly offended the man? Tell me why? Maybe the traffic cops do not have to explain anything? What kind of fingering is going on now? I'm sorry for being so blunt. Explain yourself. :)

A moderator does not have to prove his or her moderatorial judgement. The moderator is the ultimate authority. At most he should and is obliged to do is to write to the persona why the post was deleted, without explaining the reasons in front of him.


Hail to the new higher authority!



This is bullshit. :(


And DDFedor is silent!

Clean in front of himself? Or are the "screenshots" lost?



DDFedor has long been an author and contributor to the famous spammers thread. The vast majority of his suggestions were supported by reputable members (not just moderators) when public moderators did not yet exist. In my opinion, this is the best recommendation for being a moderator and having the appropriate rights.

No one said that everyone would immediately become nice and pleasant.


DDFedor has long been an author and contributor to the famous spammers thread. The vast majority of his suggestions were supported by reputable members (not just moderators) when public moderators did not yet exist. In my opinion, this is the best recommendation for being a moderator and having the appropriate rights.

No one said that everyone will immediately become happy.

I don't understand something simple - M explain :)) Who or what allows a moderator to delete or edit posts? Only his conscience? IMHO this is 200% nonsense. I hope you still think about the questions that I'm asking for half a day. Who has the right? Why? Where are the guarantees?

In my opinion this is what I can say, based on the results of what happened, that Dfedor is not suitable for moderator either. Alas and ah. A person incapable of looking at things objectively removing all his/her opinion would be a bad moderator.

Your question - what to do I will have to ignore - as I do not know the answer.