A suggestion to the administration - page 40

For vapours, Humour, Niroba and the like will suffice. The productive threads will be protected from spammers and trolls without interfering with the content.
You understand what there is - I have learned from my experience and from the stories of old-timers on this forum - much to my regret, I do not trust such statements from those who have previously shown themselves as just trolls. It seems to me that this is the main problem. :) Perlonalities are neither authoritative nor trustworthy.
I don't understand you, do you think moderators are trolls? Or me personally?
I don't understand you, do you think moderators are trolls? Or me personally?
You are asking, as I understand it, about yourself. I will not answer that question. But I will say it again - just personalities do not inspire confidence. And for some reason I'm sure that's what the question is. But what will change if you ask it. :) More precisely, if it is even answered. It all sounds very pathetic. But in short, the moderators must be authoritative. Legitimate. Public.
But in short, authoritative moderators should be. Legitimate. Public.

Let's revisit this topic in about three or four years, when you have the same authority as the current moderators.

Let's revisit this topic in about three or four years, when you have the same authority as the current moderators.
I have nothing to do with it. It has to do with my authority. By the way, you have wrongly suspected me of being affiliated with some DC, God knows I have nothing to do with them. I have nothing to do with them. :) But I can give my opinion as a visitor, can't I? It seems to me that definitely yes. I'm just saying it.
This has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with my authority. By the way you have wrongly suspected me of being affiliated with some DC, God knows I have nothing to do with them. I have nothing to do with them. :) But I can give my opinion as a visitor, can't I? It seems to me that definitely yes. I'm just saying it.

I don't know anything, I don't understand, but I have an opinion.

I'm sorry.

You are asking about yourself. I will not answer this question. But I will say it again - it's just that personalities don't inspire confidence...

I'll pass, but I can not agree with you in assessing the credibility of other moderators.

Firstly, very different people are chosen, but they are minimally conflictual, maximally benevolent, fully sane and able to agree amongst themselves on a common policy.

Secondly, an administrator is not necessarily a creator and leader. It is a workhorse who is required to do the rough work in a sane manner to ensure the creators and leaders can live comfortably.

And thirdly, if you think this place is honeyed, you are sorely mistaken. Run through the conflict situations you've encountered in the tester and estimate how easily they could be resolved.

And your opinion will be interesting for us to hear in a while. I hope it will change.


We have done some work and we now have community moderators on the forum:

We hope that most forum members will approve of our choice. And hopefully we won't have to regret it :)

I will briefly write about the rest in a private message to the moderators.

Congratulations on your appointment to the post!


Some people I thought were traders




Some people considered traders

So a trader can't be a moderator and a moderator can't be a trader? :)

Also a trader cannot be a fisherman, mushroom picker, traveller, chess player ... ?

How sad...


So a trader cannot be a moderator and a moderator cannot be a trader? :)

Also, a trader cannot be a fisherman, mushroom picker, traveller, chess player ... ?

It's sad...

Of course not.

If you go fishing sometimes, it does not mean you are a fisherman.

If you can play chess, it does not mean you are a chess player.
