A suggestion to the administration - page 19


And I ask you, what kind of posts...?


To your Imperial taste...

Yes, a clear irregularity. The moderator should have written a memo or put the issue to a national referendum. And under no circumstances should anything be done if there is even one dissenter.

I don't mean to be a pundit here - but you're a bit confused between a moderator and a janitor. So I don't think your answer is defensible.

** Also, you were rude to me in this thread today in my estimation. You probably think I wasn't. Here...

There has been plenty of rudeness today, except that if you remove all the posts that insult others, who will be affected in the first place.

В каждом обществе (прослойках общества) должны/должен быть модератор, он же судья/лидер/вожак/президент/император/гловарь/т.д.

You should understand this as you know very well that man is a social creature, prone to herd-like manifestations of his essence. Without a leader any social society is doomed to anarchy, chaos and disintegration.

Let the moderator who deleted my post demonstrate that he was right.

the following was asserted -


one more thing. Accountability and control - first and foremost. I take screenshots of all the posts I delete. therefore, as before, I am responsible for my every action.


And to whom will you be accountable?

First and foremost to yourself. if it's suddenly clear to you what I'm talking about. at the time your posts were a "catalyst" and "oil on the fire". that's why they were deleted.

So much for the level of discussion...

And adherence to forum rules.

Yes, a clear irregularity. The moderator should have written a memo or put the issue to a national referendum. And never do anything about it if there's even one dissenter.

Reveling in verbiage?

It's just until then...

Good luck with that.


There has been enough rudeness today.

OK, I'm the bad guy as usual.) But here's a question for the Saints. :)


Nope the moderation test didn't pass. We need to discuss it further - so far it's all bullshit. My simple and unpretentious test (yes angry, yes abrupt, yes irritating) has shown it all - but it's better to find out all these questions now than later, quietly, in corners, some decisions will be made which later will be ( power will be on) difficult to argue with. :))

That's how it is.


OK, I'm bad.) But what's the question for the saints? :)


Nope the moderation test didn't pass. We need to discuss it further - so far it's all bullshit. My simple and unpretentious test (yes angry, yes abrupt, yes irritating) has shown it all - but it's better to find out all these questions now than later, quietly, in corners, some decisions will be made which later will be ( power will be on) difficult to argue with. :))

Well, that's how it is.

I can't say anything. I haven't seen him
FreeLance, please tell me, on which forums on the internet do you hang out, the forums for teenagers? I've already told you about one of mine, and the other one also bans you if your sentence doesn't start with a capital letter or end with a full stop.

Mikhail Andreyevich, with your tears and snot you have flooded the branch, aren't you tired of whining and complaining?

No one owes you, me, or anyone else anything here.


I don't mean to be a pundit here - but you're a bit confused between a moderator and a janitor. So I don't think your answer is defensible.

** Also, you were rude to me in this thread today in my estimation. You probably think I wasn't. Here...

(chuckles): Okay. A link in the studio. If I was rude, I apologise publicly to the person offended and ask the moderators to delete all my posts insulting the honour and dignity of S

I can't say anything. I haven't seen it.

I'm not posting it again. It's just settled. That's where M gave the scariest piece of him. There was nothing scary about it. :)) IMHO.