A suggestion to the administration - page 13


Fine, S, your opinion is heard. It's not the first, by the way. The first was sever30.

Uniformity of expressed points of view is the worst thing that can happen. Then the forum will degenerate.

This is not what we are aiming for, but for the forum to once again be a place where we can discuss working issues calmly, without too much negative emotion.

Swearing and insults will not be tolerated, that's for sure.

It will get worse - believe me. That's why I'm telling you - it's not like I have anything to lose here.


The real tantrum of a spoilt three-year-old who had his lollipop taken away

I mean S

Thanks for the vote of confidence. ;)

Except that the very approach, with irretrievable deletion of posts - seems to me a dead end from the start.

And even more so in the "authoritative" hands of the "public".

Any idea, even correctly expressed, may be derided and edited by "authorities".


The decision is hasty. And the example of the discussion proves it.

And if the same shit is thought up and implemented in MQL5 - sadly.



Yes everyone understood - but the test clearly demonstrated what would happen. Is that exactly what everyone wants? I'm personally not sure.

The fact that not everyone likes the change is normal and natural.

it is not OK to be rude and there is no breach of liberties in removing the rudeness


I am not a moderator. They're moderators now. You see the difference, don't you?

If you're not a moderator, be glad you're not one - I tried it, survived for a year and then quit. Moderating is a hard thankless job for which no one will thank you, but they will pour out a bucket of dirt for sure

SZS: You should go to the "Big Forum" - I haven't seen more quarrels and squabbles there than anywhere else :) - Google it for you.

Don't get me wrong. Or at least somehow...))
I have no pretensions, preferences or even, human piety towards ANYONE.
I'm just Piglet, ploughing his patch. A lawn.

And I - this is important!!! - I'm very interested in talking to people I'm interested in. I certainly don't welcome mewdillas shitting in my meadow. I hope you understand...

You were okay with my candidacy? Weren't you? I'm deleting your posts. Your complaints are accepted. Don't be rude or insulting, please.

No rudeness and no insults. Objectively NO. The post is deliberately designed to give that impression, but in fact it is not there. There is a sharp opinion expressed in a sharp form. And if you're deleting it, stop doing it though. I'm sure it won't change anything for the forum. It's not going to bring in new people. And the old ones seem to have said it all. So alas. Pigzaurus, Leo, and other HAMOs with pure insults and flooding should be moderated - but no. I'm being moderated by the wretched. Cool of a widow to flog herself. :) Foolishness.

One more thing I will say. accounting and control - first and foremost. I take screenshots of all the posts I delete. so, as before, I am responsible for every action I take.


The fact that not everyone likes the change is normal and natural

It is not OK to be rude and there is no breach of freedom in removing the rudeness

I'VE NEVER BEEN THE FIRST TO BE RUDE TO ANYONE. Never. Only in return. So don't. ...

Honestly, be glad you're not a moderator - I tried that skin, lasted a year, then quit. Moderatorship is a hard thankless job for which no one will say thank you, but they will pour out a bucket of dirt for sure

SZS: You should go to the "Big Forum" - I've never seen more quarrels and squabbles than there :) - Google it.

Yes you misunderstand me I DO NOT WANT to be a moderator in any way - 200% NO.

It's all clear. :)) About the forum.


I'll say one more thing. Accountability and control come first. I take screenshots of all the posts I delete. so, as before, I'm responsible for every action I take.

And to whom will you be accountable?


Funny, if not sad.

Here, I wonder what was "compromising" and "to be deleted" in my posts?

Can I demonstrate?