A suggestion to the administration - page 11


Deleting posts - that's freedom of speech. No criticism is allowed. This won't be a forum but an advertising campaign. :(


*** Let me explain - all these people are with me personally [...] And they're moderators - who doesn't think that's weird? :)

S, throw me a link proving that I personally trolled you, provoked and stuff. Honestly, I don't remember that, max light banter with no personalities.


You're making it worse for yourself - the subject is always on top of you. I told you - ...

S, have a look in your personal profile.
Let's calm down.

I can't keep up :)) I have a rhythm to maintain. I read it - the headline - no time. I can see it's not you. But then who? Stupid. Also appointed moderators. Fun.

Let's calm down.

There - and I say - :) We need to think about who can be a moderator and who can't. :)) I'm calm - I just want to show what will happen and I want to have the right to speak. :)

I can't keep up :)) I have a rhythm to maintain. I read it - the headline - no time. I can see it's not you. But then who? Stupid. Also appointed moderators. Fun.

We saw that you didn't agree with these forumers being appointed moderators. But the majority did. So I suggest you take it easy and chill out.

I can't keep up :)) I have a rhythm to maintain. I read it - the headline - no time. I can see it's not you. But then who? Stupid. Also appointed moderators. Fun.

But I've never been appointed to anything, so it's with a liberating sense of irresponsibility that I say:
- You're an oddball...
We saw that you did not agree with the fact that these forumers were appointed moderators. But the majority supported it. So I suggest you don't get hot and cold.

Shouldn't my opinion be read? Or what? Who is the majority? Those who are in favor have spoken. Those who are against it are just silent.

There is no need to delete my post - it is my opinion, just like everyone else's. It is the only one that has the right to be heard.