A suggestion to the administration - page 10


What are you pretending to be like a sheep? You see, I am a trader, I am a genius, and the coder is a mediocrity who has to pay me for the idea.

The topic has been scratched to the cat's eyeballs. At least 95% of super-systems offered for free for coder have no fresh and working ideas and stupidly drain the spread per trade.

P.S. In general, this is not the subject of the branch.

I fundamentally disagree.

The only way to make money is to get in and out right.

I have no doubt that this is the best way to make profits.

This forum has always had a high dirt content. Every trader is a genius, everyone has his own vision, everyone is a fool and only he is so clever. But lately the level of dirt, boorishness and arrogance has exceeded all bounds. The question of moderation came up at the right time. We should have cleaned up our ranks a long time ago.

We have done some work and we now have community moderators on the forum:

We hope that most forum members will approve of our choice. And we hope we won't regret it :)

I will write about the rest briefly to the moderators in a private message.

just saw it now. good case. Except it's a shame about them. There's only 24 hours in a day. There's so much to do.

Are you as aggressive as you are in life?

P.S. Storm in a glass.

This forum has always had a high dirt content. Every trader is a genius, everyone has his own vision, everyone is a fool and only he is so clever. But lately the level of dirt, boorishness and arrogance has exceeded all bounds. The question of moderation came up at the right time. We should have cleaned up our ranks a long time ago.

The dirt is coming from these people - I have NEVER ( let me tell you a lie ) EVER started a fistfight. And it was these people who did it all the time.

Are you as aggressive in life?

P.S. Tempest in a glass.

Me in life? My peaceful post was deleted :) Don't you think the person who deleted it is to blame?

I'm not aggressive - I only react to boorishness and stupidity ( sometimes deliberate) and that's it. These people are the first trolls and sloppers. Look at any topic from the past time where they are the front-runners. Put Mishek as a moderator there and he will be fine. :)))


Here's the proof - Mishek wrote me off to get banned. What does that tell you - that they want full control here, not fairness and stuff... :)


Am I for real? My peaceful post got deleted.) Don't you think the one who deleted it is to blame?

I'm not aggressive - I only react to boorishness and stupidity ( sometimes deliberate) and that's it. These people are the first trolls and troublemakers. Look at any topic from the past and they are at the top of the list. Put Mishek as a moderator there and he will be fine. :)))

Far from "peaceful". Don't you think you are a great provocateur?) As well as a stock theorist/practitioner.

Far from "peaceful". Don't you think you are a great provocateur :) Just like a stock theorist/practitioner.

This post is the second one. :)) And it's already been deleted. The truth stings.

I'm not a provocateur. I just - show what is .


We have done some work and we now have community moderators on the forum:

We hope that most forum members will approve of our choice. And hopefully we won't have to regret it :)

About the rest I will write briefly to the moderators in private.


And one more thing - I would like to know the moderators by sight.