The truth about councillors! - page 7


It's not about EAs. Shouting that EAs don't work is like shouting "My shovel doesn't dig!!!". Of course, there are baby shovels, there are props, shovels that need fixing or are too dumb ... There are a few problems when using EAs by the vast majority of users:

- the main problem with using EAs is inflated expectations, having a shovel wants it to dig like a backhoe.

- They do not use it for its intended purpose, so they take a plastic shovel for snow and try to dig beds with it.

- do not know how to use a shovel, break rules about how to use a shovel. For example, they dig a tunnel, but don't shovel - blockage is inevitable.

- don't know where to dig; dig where they can or should dig.

- try to dig with a sandwich in one hand and a nose stuck in the other.

- forget that digging is hard enough.

- they do not know that nobody has invented a shovel with a motor, and if they have, they are saving it for themselves.

- They believe in advertising that they may dig even if they are "invalids" without both hands.

The list goes on.

Figar0 >>:

Дело не в советниках. Кричать что советник не работают, это тоже самое что кричать "Моя лопата не копает!!!". Конечно, бывают детские лопатки, бывают лопаты бутафорские, лопаты нуждающие в починке или слишком тупые ... Есть несколько проблем при использовании советников подавляющим большинством пользователей:

- основная проблема при использовании советников - завышеные ожидания, имеем лопату хотим, что бы она копала как экскаватор.

- использование не по назначения, берут платиковую лопату для снега, и пытаются копать ей грядки.

- не умеют пользоваться лопатой, нарушают правила пользования лопатой. Например, копают туннель, но не ставят подпорки, - завал неизбежен.

- не знают где копать, копают не там где можно или нужно

- пытаются копать, при этом в одной руке бутерброд, другая ковыряется в носу.

- забывают, что копать это достаточно тяжело.

- не знают, что лопату с мотором никто пока не придумал, если придумал - то приберег для себя.

- верят рекламе, что копать можно даже будучи ""инвалидом" без обеих рук".

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They ask to repair a shovel like, but screw a screw, so that the shovel would not fly out, and sharpen my shovel so that it would cut boulders, and change it from bayonet to shovel, and make it work only at certain times, but also that my shovel could be averaged in both directions.

Sorry for the off-topic.
The cartoon is great )))) when I was little I loved watching it )))

Figar0 писал(а) >>

The list goes on and on.

Into the annals :) !

Continuing the analogy...

The development of p.2.

-Shovels can be divided into 3 groups (1) for snow (tester) (2) for sandbox (demo) (3) for work.

-A snow shovel that shovels snow perfectly will not necessarily shovel sandpiles etc.

-Now there are a lot of fake shovels out there that are motorised shovels. They have a self-digging mechanism, which causes the shaft to fail and break from overloading.

Goodness, you can recognise them by the words "martin" "avalanche" "handless system!!!".

-As a rule, sellers of shovels with a motor charlatans. Therefore, if you need to dig a garden, it is better to call a professional shovel operator or a shovel owner with a motor for the job.

-The same goes for making a shovel to order.


To clarify.

A shovel is just not an EA, but a manual trade.

The image of an advisor would be more accurate - an automatic shovel! Powerful, relentless, impassioned, but... devoid of logic, judgement, intelligence.

Such shovel will dig out a hole on an even place very quickly, but if you will not look after it, it will fall in the same hole with all its mechanism.

You can't demand too much from an auto-shovel, but it's best to turn it on when and where it's needed.


The miner's mechanical shovel:

It's very easy to work with, it's mechanical - just press the button and.... and your back is wet.

It is used in the following way: a rope is tied to a loop, the other end of the rope is tied to the crowbar. One miner holds the shovel by its handle, the other one pushes the crowbar between the links of the working chain conveyor...

A shovel with a motor is called a power tiller
denis_orlov >>:


Лопата - это как раз не советник, а ручная торговля.

Образом советника вернее будет - автоматическая лопата! Мощная, безустанная, бесстрастная, но!... лишенная логики, рассудительности, сообразительности.

Такая лопата быстро выкопает яму на ровном месте, но если за ней не доглядеть - однажды в эту же яму и провалится со всем своим механизмом.

От автолопаты нельзя требовать слишком многого, в лучшем случае включать именно там и именно тогда когда это нужно.

When I was a child, I saw a tractor ploughing up a vegetable garden and digging into the cab. The tractor driver probably had no time to think, he just pressed the levers))))))