negative balance - page 3

Loky >>:

Вот это я протормизил :))) подумал что Средства это и есть Эквити а если Эквити это БАланс +Средства тогда все ясно. А если нет?

I hate to break it to you, but Equity is Equity
Mischek писал(а) >>

I hate to break it to you, but Equity is Equity.

Bummer. I knew it.

Is Available funds really nothing more than Balance+Equity or not?

Loky писал(а) >>

Is it true that Available Funds is nothing more than Balance+Equity or not?

Available funds are:

Equity - Collateral

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

Available funds are:

Equity - Collateral

And the equity is:

Balances + Profits

PapaYozh писал(а) >>

And Equity is:

Balpnes + Profit

This statement contradicts the fact that Means=Equity
Loky >>:

Получается что насамом деле Доступные средства это есть ничто иное как Баланс+Эквити(средства) или нет?

To avoid confusion, it is best not to invent new words

(Equity ) Funds = Balance +Profit on open orders

(Available funds) Free = (Equity) Funds - Pledges

Loky писал(а) >>

This statement contradicts the fact that Means=Equity

It doesn't contradict anything, are you trolling or something?

Loky писал(а) >>

As a result, when equity reaches 0, everything will be closed with a stop-out and you will have -5778.55 on your balance.

If the balance turns negative, BC will nullify it.

This is the basis for the well-known trading method of Friday-Monday break-up: divide your funds in half between two accounts and open a maximum possible lot before the close, on one account BUY, on the other SELL.

If Monday morning's opening is far enough away from Friday's close (in my opinion, with 1:500 leverage on EURUSD 25 pips on 4 digits was enough), you may have a negative balance on one of your accounts. That's OK, the brokerage company returns it to zero and that's it.

Now, however, all brokerage companies have learned to deal with it - they reduce the leverage to 1:100 an hour before market close.

dabystru >>:

Если баланс станет отрицательным, ДЦ его обнулит.

Don't be fooled by the nonsense