My progress on history ) from 2007.11.11 to 2010.11.11 - page 3

Mischek >>:

Форум глючит, в личку не получается ответить . пишу тут

Всё скачалось, установил, но видно только по конец октября 2010, но этого вобщем достаточно

Еще раз большое спасибо, как и обещал не распостранение гарантирую

Have you found an island yet? :-)
xeon >>:

остров себе уже присмотрели? :-)

Well, if it's an island the size of Australia, it's probably fine.

An island's shallow, but a small continent is. :)

xeon >>:

остров себе уже присмотрели? :-)

Yeah, I like Cuba, but it's "not enough".
Swetten >>:

Ну, если остров размером с Австралию -- то, наверное, в самый раз.

Остров -- мелко, а вот небольшой континент -- это оно! :)

So that's the reason for the crisis - greed :-)))
Mischek >>:

Ага, мне вот Куба приглянулась, хотя "маловато будет"

You too :-))) It's not going to be enough for you either :-))
xeon >>:

и Вы туда же :-)) Вам тоже малоовато будет :-))

Well, we'll have to do something in our spare time.

And Cuba is about to become a Klondike for the real sector

TVA_11 писал(а) >>

And the strategy is simple - I've already discussed it here.

20 pips in, 20 pips out. Plus the correct positioning of stops and profits.

Ask - buy, stops and profit by bid. +/- 20

bid - sell, profit on ask. +/- 20

And as the result we have 50/50 net.

discussion to read, where is it?
sever29 >>:

обсуждение бы почитать, где оно?

See the author's posts from around 2010.11.12 - somewhere in there ;).

While we're on the subject of history...

This is bullshit: on M1 in Broco the gap in time from May 5 to May 11; on M5 - everything is fine - May 6, 7 and 10 are there. And I know for a fact that this data was there on M1 - there are screenshots in my post on gapless indicators.

Is it just me?

TVA_11 писал(а) >>

And the strategy is simple - I've already discussed it here.

20 pips in, 20 pips out. Plus the correct positioning of stops and profits.

Ask - buy, stops and profit by bid. +/- 20

bid - sell, profit on ask. +/- 20

And as the result we have 50/50 net.

What's the net 50/50? Your take would be higher by the spread, if spread=2, then +22/-18, not +/- 20. or what's wrong?