The legal side of trading. Does anyone have a FAQ? - page 11

mydone >>:

это ничего не изменит - уже увольняли людей которые сбивали стопы (посмотрите в интернет возможно сохранилась подобная дискуссия ) а зачем их увольнять то они же не себе в карман сбивали :)))

Today with ECN it is stupidity and stone age to shoot down stops and nobody needs it when you have ECN at hand.
Of course of course and tomorrow there will be a TCN MSN CLO and everything will be the same (personal opinion)
gip >>:

Время экспирации было после достижения цены указанного уровня, причем даже с запасом по времени достаточным для ECN исполения. Ты показываешь свой непрофессионализм.

Am I getting sidetracked again? The account is not an ECN, what does ECN have to do with it? The client does not want an ECN, he likes execution on a classic.

When the price reaches the specified level, it is enough to activate the pending order, but not enough to execute it. Isn't it normal that the order has not been executed within 59 seconds? A 20 million EUR pending order not executed within 59 seconds on news is not normal? Has the DC ever guaranteed that it will be instantaneous?


Strange. That some people don't see the obvious.,12537.15.html

The author of the claim against the CFTC gives specific examples of his own when in exactly the same cases and if not a take but a stoploss was triggered, then for some reason, suddenly after some time, the order was always triggered and the client made a loss.

The dealer would not let the client close the losing current position.

But as soon as the price reached takeprofit and closed with profit, the pending order was deleted due to the expiry time. Although, the pending order should have worked in a minute and could not have been deleted.

And after that, people get very much offended when such a dealer is called directly - who exactly he is...

Now by the way have you all noticed how 3 people (this is just an observation, not a statement) have moved the topic to ECN and to the CTO - away from the original topic of the Non-working pending order and away from the company's image
mydone >>:
Конечно конечно а завтра будет ТСН МСН ГСН и всё будет по прежнему (личное мнение)
So many prophecies of the future and yet in such a short time! Don't bury your talent deep in the ground with you! :))
Andrei01 >>:
Столько много пророчеств будущего и при этом за такое короткое время! Не закапывайте свой талант глубоко в землю вместе с собой! :))
is it to be taken as a threat? or as foolishness?
mydone >>:
сейчас кстати вы все заметили как 3 человека (это просто наблюдение а не утверждение) перевели тему на ECN и на техдиректора - подальше от исходной темы про Несработавшую отложку и подальше от имиджа компании
And you, by your own logic, were well paid off by that poor client from those failed lots. I hope you don't deny it. :))
Andrei01 >>:
Как я понял, время экспирации истекло уже "в процессе исполнения", то есть формально отложка должна была сработать хоть по какой-то цене.
"In the execution process" there are a number of checks - availability of free money and expiry time. Naturally, they are done at the last minute, because if the process takes too long, a lot can change since the beginning. That is what happened in this case. There is only one question: 59 seconds for 20 lemons on the news is normal or too long. I've asked it five times now, but no one has answered it. For some reason...
Andrei01 >>:
А Вам по Вашей же логике тот небедный клиент неплохо отстегнул от тех несработавших лотов. Надеюсь отрицать не будете? :))
I won't talk to you at all - I consider it beneath my dignity