What makes an unsteady graph unsteady or why oil is oil? - page 9

NTH писал(а) >>

And psychologists would rather confirm that such a reaction is the best confirmation of my words, at least as far as this individual is concerned.

I have a very bad attitude towards psychology, based on experiences I had as a child. The person I once had to have a conversation with drew clearly inadequate conclusions without asking the reason for my behaviour (why could I draw a drawing with a black felt-tip pen? because the other felt-tip pens had dried up :D)
neoclassic писал(а) >>
>> it's personal stuff. >> Trolls have been around a lot lately... >> maybe I'm not satisfied with pips without stops and martingale.)

Am I the troll? ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm all business, logic directly influences the understanding of the essence and its transformation into knowledge and, consequently, into money.

Well, in general all is clear. My sincere respect to all the forum members.

ps lea in vain, in vain.))), well, however, this is a personal matter.

Zhunko >>:

Разделяю... То, что считают шумом ни чем не отличается от полезного сигнала. Стоит ли его тогда фильтровать?

Шумы квантования легко отфильтровываются.

Of course you should not filter, it only removes useful information. This should be obvious to any sensible person (provided they are open-minded and un-zombified). The less original information is left - the more flawed is the assessment of the situation.

Quantization noises do not disturb at all, because from communication theory we know that quantization with more than 4 bits differs from unquantized analog signal by less than 0.1dV (something like that). Conclusion - redundant quantisation does not improve the original information and only requires more subtractive resources.

lea >>:
У меня очень плохое отношение к психологии,


Well, psychology is also pseudoscience :) It doesn't even acknowledge a human being's soul - but then what can you do with a walking piece of meat and bones?

Though, psychology has been rather successful in the sphere of exacting money from tortured clients and works in this direction quite scientifically. :))

Andrei01 >>:

Тики тут не причем. Просто прибыль в тестере была не от ТА, а от подгонки.


Я же ранее писал что оптимизация проводилась на периоде месяц а тест на периоде год,

если это подгонка то я согласен рубить бабло на такой подгонке,

причём оптимизацию периодом в месяц независимо можно проводить на любом месяце и результат будет тодже.

Это и есть то самое свойство ряда которое нужно эксплуатировать (вот только загвоздка в том что свойство это тестерное тк тики тестера это простая функция а тики в реале более сложная).

Richie >>:

Так вот, lea, не нужно путать говнологию с психологией. Извиняюсь, за "мягкость" формулировок.

It seems to me that instead of righteous anger and personalities, it would make more sense to give at least one example where psychology and not something else under the guise of psychology has really helped. Otherwise your defence of psychology looks very unsubstantiated.


Urain писал(а) >>

I wrote earlier that the optimization was done on a period of a month and the test on a period of a year,

If it's a fitting, I'm willing to earn money on such a fitting,

and the optimization for a month period can be done independently on any month and the result will be the same.

You hardly believe that optimization for one month allows you to make TA profitable throughout the year, and you say that even in any month and the result will always be profitable. Think about it, the price goes in one month in one direction, and in the other one - well, how can you get profit from it for the whole year? That is why you see it on the demo.

Andrei01 >>:

Шото както слабо верится шо оптимизация по одному месяцу позволяет сделать ТА прибылной в течении всего года, причем как Вы утверждаете шо даже по любому месяцу и результат всегда будет прибыльным. Ну сами подумайте, один месяц цена идёт в одну сторону а в другой в другую - ну дык как из этого можно получить прибыл на весь оставшийся год?


Поверте бывают такие чудеса когда целенаправлено ищешь определённые свойства а не подгоняешь случайность.

Richie >>:

Андрей, где вы видите гнев в моих словах. У меня к lea никаких претензий нет. Я его полностью понимаю, сам в такой заднице был, хотя и давно.

Sergey, I understand you that you always want to defend with gusto what one does in life, but we must not forget that this is only a subjective view and no more than that. Even if your belief is shared by millions of people, well, the truth does not always go by the number of believers! And if you look objectively it is easy enough to make sure that the entire psychology is written with a pitchfork in water and it really works only with personal participation and paying attention to a man, although this is not always - it depends on the spiritual and energetic level of man.
Andrei01 писал(а) >>


Well, psychology is also pseudoscience :) It doesn't even acknowledge a human being's soul - but then what can you do with a walking piece of meat and bones?

Though, psychology has been rather successful in the sphere of exacting money from tortured clients and works in this direction quite scientifically. :))

Open any psychology textbook and read the definition of psychology "The science of the soul..." in black and white paper.