Anti-Martingale vs Martingale : Good prevails!!! - page 16

Slice by slice. 2%. You can't have it all in one transaction.

2 from the original or from the remainder ?

Two from the original or from the remaining ?
Remaining. Cut with a propor tional lot.
It depends on whose coin.

The man with the beard, if we trust you to flip it, we won't see heads or tails after the first flip.

I'll give you the coin, but Lech will throw it.


Let's keep digging. We took a coin and decided to flip it 10 times. We've already flipped it 9 times, each time it's been tails. Tenth flip, what do you think are the probabilities of heads and tails?

Non-statistical sampling. :)

You're talking about different things. Denis is talking about series ratio on BIG statistics. And you are on a dozen transactions. Objection, however.


Digging further . We took a coin and decided to flip it 10 times. Nine have already been flipped, each time it was tails. Throw the tenth, what are the probabilities of heads and tails according to you?


In drawing up the MM algorithm for the TS I need much more for analysis than 10 outcomes.

p.s. paukas, don't leave my question unanswered.

The one left over. Cut with a propshare lot.

It's a horror that will never end. I've changed my mind, it's easier to drown myself.

The man with the beard, if we leave the flipping to you, we won't see heads or tails after the first flip.

I'll give you the coin, but Lech will throw it.

Who are you eagles going to toss?

A non-statistical sample. :)

You're talking about different things. Denis is talking about series ratio on a BIG statistic. And you are on a dozen transactions. Objection, however.

Make it 1,000,000. What difference does it make?
The rest of it. Cut it with a proprietary lot.

Seconded. :) Yeah, and if he feels wronged, let him double up. It's only fair.

// Mishek, I suspect you're just resentful of your wife and taking it out on the forum. If it's because of me, you shouldn't be. Just because I liked her voice doesn't mean she liked mine. Of course, I don't know...



Seconded. :) Yeah, and if he feels wronged, let him double up. It's only fair.

// Mishek, I suspect you're just resentful of your wife and taking it out on the forum. If it's because of me, you shouldn't be. Just because I liked her voice doesn't mean she liked mine. I don't know about that, though...

