Anti-Martingale vs Martingale : Good prevails!!! - page 12

C-4 >>:
Вот кстати сейчас читаю книгу по C# - в оргазмическом восторге. И как раньше программировали без него?

I have you karacho paññata. I had the same condition last spring. :)))

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

I've got you caracho paiñata. I had the same condition last spring. :)))

Young people! .....! ....
joo >>:

Зачем же делфи и шарпы? Можно прям на MQL5, благо всё что надо для такой проги есть - кастомные кнопочки и прочие самодельные элементы управления можно сделать легко.

А мотивация/лень, что то мне подсказывает, выше 1, лишь бы толчок в виде скелета этой проги на MQL5 появился на свет божий.

It's a bit early, unfortunately.

At first glance, at least two things are missing: user MQL-windows and arbitrary graphical madness.

Libraries are missing as well. "Malawata be! Malawata be!!!" :)

C-4 >>:
Если замахиваться так глобально, то однозначно писать надо на шарпе. Тут тебе и LINQ тут и WPF, в общем по сравнению с этим, все остальное вчерашний день.

Will you help?


I'd love to, but I'm telling you, I'm only reading a book at the moment. When I get at least a quarter of the size of the book I'm reading (more than 1,200 pages), then you're welcome.
Need to implement crossing out in Martin!
Mathamat himself is in the study of the method.
It's easier to simulate the Belgian (or French) method...

Yes, please.

Another note: the tester will be improved. Next steps: calculation of drawdowns, max continuous wins/losses, batch testing a la optimization and maybe something else. Suggestions for improvement are accepted without limitation.

Are suggestions still being accepted?

Need to implement crossing out in Martin!
Mathamat himself is in the study of the method.
It's easier to simulate the Belgian (or French) method...
I'll have to try it out, especially since it's not too difficult to implement...
You've already checked this LaBoucher and sucked it up - in the fishing thread. Same eggs, but from the side.
We've already checked this LaBoucher guy out and sucked up to him in the fishing thread. It's the same eggs, but from the side.

Yeah. Goodness - gloating! // I mean, triumphing... )))))))

What was the point of naming the branch like that?