Anti-Martingale vs Martingale : Good prevails!!! - page 9

MetaDriver писал(а) >>
It's done. At last we can rejoice at the chance to finish, that is, to clarify the subject of the martingale to the very end. And the Anti-Martingale as well.
and share our impressions...

I had a dream ... (I was dreaming about the grail). My opinion has changed.
Martingale is evil!
Money is evil!
Anti-martingale is stupid!

Tantrik >>:

Сон был вещий...(грааль приснился). Мнение поменялось.
Мартингейл - зло!
Деньги - зло!
Антимартингейл - глупость!

Good is always foolishness. So is evil.

I'm not sure about the money yet... ;)

MetaDriver писал(а) >>

Good is always foolishness. So is evil.

I'm not sure about the money yet... ;)

Money is evil not when it's not there, but when it is. Shall we have a test?
MetaDriver >>:
Мне кажется, что начинать надо с постройки ТС с матожиданием больше 0,5. А потом уже прикручивать управление капиталом.

Words of gold, however...

Downloaded the game... ...downloaded it... Kudos to the author... Good job.

However - on quote.
If you have a stable TS with mathematical expectation greater than 0.5. If we have a stable TS with mathematical expectation higher than 0.5, then Martin or anti-martin - it's a matter of taste and impertinence.
For with such TS we are theoretically always in profit.
And for additives to martins and anti-martins - it's a question of capital management - read, the desire to maximize profits and thereby increase risks.
Actually with MO>0.5 we'll have small but stable profit even with constant lot... Everything else is the evil one (greed) :)
MetaDriver писал(а) >>

This tester allows any multiplication factor to be supplied. No problem.

Will the tests be run on viewer orders?

HH: By the way... without any tools... purely for my own interest, once upon a time, tried different variations of martins and anti-martins in virtual casinos (on demo, of course)... Exactly, to fit in your head a theoretical possibility of such MM.
Other things being equal, anti-martin gave more stable results.
lexandros >>:
Золотые слова, однако...
Скачал игрушку... заюзал... прекольно:) Автору - респект и уважуха... Хорошая работа.
Однако - по цитате.
Если иметь стабильную ТС с матожиданием больше 0.5. То мартин или антимартин - это уже вопрос вкуса и безбашенности.
Ибо при такой ТС - мы теоретически уже всегда в профите.
А прикручивать мартинов или антимартинов - это уже вопрос управления капиталом - читай, стремление максимально увеличить прибыли и тем самым увеличить риски.
Собственно при ТС с МО>0.5 мы даже при постоянном лоте - будем иметь небольшую, но стабильную прибыль... Все остальное уже от лукавого (жадности) :)

Almost agree.

There are two subtleties:

  1. even this toy demonstrates that at MO>0.5 martin loses to antimartin.
  2. When the average continuous series of winning/losing trades is lengthened (which is typical for meaningful strategies), the anti-martin becomes really profitable, even compared to a constant lot.
IgorM писал(а) >>
sever29 write to me at my email, just noticed, the city of your residence, and vgtorrent is not a familiar set of letters to you by any chance :)

did not understand the question... Although I reread it 10 times. Saturday, it's evening ...

rumata1984 писал(а) >>
Tantrik 24.04.2010 01:36

I don't know if you can write a Martingale EA and show the test, what do I get (I'll give you the data)?
the author is silent on the matter... he must be in opposition.

Tantrik >>:

Тесты будут проводиться по заказам зрителей?

I don't get it. Honestly. The tester is posted! Or is there a problem with using it?