Giving an idea in exchange for an advisor on the idea! - page 8


Не соглашусь !

Oh, yeah. And why is that?

leman >>:

Во как. А почему?

those turkeys are fucked up.

пиздят эти индюки

I don't understand you, you ask me to write you an EA on these indices and then you say that these indices are lying. You have to make up your mind somehow.

leman >>:

Я Вас не понимаю, Вы просите написать Вам советник по этим индюкам, а потом говорите, что эти индюки врут. Вы как-то определитесь.

Bull Bairss these indies don't go
only muving and henki ashi
the simpler the better!" ..........
только мувинг и хенки асши

I see. Learn the structure of the indicators. There is no need to reinvent the wheel and pass it off as your idea, and even offer that idea as payment to the programmer.

I'm not giving away my idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the free candle strategy has been known for a long time ..........................................
I just needed to automate it and that's it...

Бул Берсс эти индикю не идут

Just for information

мне нужно было её автоматизировать и всё...


Another scam of programmers by suckers :)
Which one of them is smarter?
It's a shame :(