Redrawing indicators. - page 4

joo писал(а) >>

There's also a great redrawing method - the caterpillar method or SSA. Have you looked at it?

Somewhere I've seen an incredibly smooth, almost lag-free wipe based on a few smoothing back and forth. But I don't remember who made it and uses it. It was either ANG3110 or someone else.
Mathemat писал(а) >>
I've seen an incredibly smooth near-lag-free wipe somewhere, based on a few smoothing back and forth. But I don't remember who made it and uses it. It was either ANG3110 or someone else.

The track is very smooth ))))
No, Lyon, it's not a caterpillar for sure. And the user of this indicator himself says that it redraws.
LeoV >>:

Есть ещё отличный перерисовывающийся метод - метод гусеницы или SSA. Не смотрел?

Saw this one - Library of singular transformation functions. Is it as good as this one?

Mathemat >>:
Где-то видел невероятно гладкую машку почти без запаздывания, основанную на нескольких сглаживаниях туда-сюда. Но кто ее сделал и пользует - не помню. То ли ANG3110, то ли еще кто.

I couldn't find it. Could you try to remember where to find it?

ssa.rar  6 kb
joo >>:

Не нашёл. Не мог бы ты попытаться вспомнить, где его найти?

I'm looking, I'm looking. If I find it, I'll post it here.

I found it: post ANG3110 with a picture. But, alas, there is only a picture there. Look at the posts further away - maybe you'll find something.

Caterpillar is "better" than Hodrick-Prescott filter in that the number of bars (depth) for redrawing can be set explicitly. Hodrick, on the other hand, can redraw the whole depth (depending on the parameter and the value of stroke of the last "live" bar).
In general, I completely agree with Peter - the redrawn bars should be perceived as a semi-finished product, an "underindicator", a joy for the eye, a joy for the soul :)). But if we fix values, the overdrawing and "joy" disappear, but we obtain a tool that is quite useful for work.
joo писал(а) >> Seen this one - Library of singular transformation functions. Is it as good as this one?

I don't know, I haven't compared it since I gave up redrawing a long time ago, because it's useless in terms of earning money. )))