Looking for an MQL4 programmer for cooperation - page 10

Hedin >>:

P.S. Лучшие из ТС не выкладывал в первом посте, о них лишь в личной переписке.

So you're putting out knowingly "bad" TCs for programmers? What for? To find a good programmer? Or to find a cheap programmer? Why this craving for freebies? If you want to make money with your TS, you have to give the programmer an opportunity to make money. Remember the free cheese!

Hedin >>:

P.S. Лучшие из ТС не выкладывал в первом посте, о них лишь в личной переписке.

Don't you have shoes to clean or shoes to run to the shop?
Mischek >>:
вы батенька банальный лентяй, халявщик и болтун-задушевник

Why are you picking on the man, do you think you have nothing to criticise?

1. "You" is capitalised. 3.

2. The address "father" is of a condescendingly familial nature, and is not highlighted by commas. However, punctuation marks are ignored throughout the text.

3. the definition of "chatterbox-soulmouth" is distorted, it sounds much juicier and more correct in the original.

A mutual acquaintance of ours wouldn't let you on his site at all with such punctures :))

Hedin >>:

P.S. Лучшие из ТС не выкладывал в первом посте, о них лишь в личной переписке.

Hedin, you can only get an idea of your best TS from the only source so far - your PAMM. But the situation there is sad: not a single area of decent deposit growth is visible. You are relying, apparently, on the long work with the coder. And what he will get in the end?

I'm not claiming that you can't have them. But there is still nothing from you that could really interest an enthusiast.

Hedin писал(а) >> P.S. The best of TC didn't post in the first post, only about them in personal correspondence.


Mathemat писал(а) >>Hedin, one can only get an idea of your best TS from the only source so far - your PAMM.

Where is his PAMM?

Gentlemen! Gentlemen...
What do you really want from a man?
Well, he's looking for friendship and leisure in coding and ideas. Maybe he'll find someone. And good luck to him.
Victor, we all have our faults, do you want me to pick on you? ;)
(And then you pick on me... ))))))))))))
LeoV >>: А хде его ПАММ?

Len, look at the name tyro on Alpari: http://www.alpari.ru/ru/pamm/info/login/80228/?tab=0

The nick can be seen on the links given in the first post of this thread. See sooner, will be eliminated in the current rollover.

Mathemat >>:

Лёнь, смотри в Альпари по нику tyro. Ник виден по ссылкам, которые даны в первом посте этой ветки.

tyro:80228 - pam account in the process of liquidation

Date of opening 13.01.2010

3 months of draining, maybe it's not him?

He, he. Judging from the comment thread, the TS has changed, but it has not changed the overall balance sheet trend.