Who will write me a councillor? - page 8


No, it's about time - while there's a lull, you can write...

I have nothing else to do... To be offended. To respond to everyone - there won't be any emotion left for my personal life.)) There are a lot of assholes in the world...
xrust писал(а) >>

No, it's about time - while there's a lull, you can write...

Rustam, don't bring up another Tsahes Tsenobera. Read his theses first (what style they started in) and how they sound now. The man registered on the forum specifically for this purpose.
Ayanami писал(а) >>

Basically, the man was being told not to invest his last bit of money in the middle of nowhere, but to spend it wisely for the benefit of himself and his nervous system ))))

Oh, you guys...
Ayanami >>:

Говна наверни, мудак. Отвечая бессмысленными постами на форумах на личную жизнь не тратишь?
А мудаков хватает, да, но радует что один из них понял свою ущербность, надеюсь будешь исправляться?

I'm amazed you haven't been banned yet.

neomasterx писал(а) >>
Oh, you guys...

We're not "giving" - we're serious ))))
yuripk >>:

mode - номер буфера линии, вас две линии наверное там интересуют, которые разными цветами рисуются, хоть и кажется что линия одна
shift - номер бара.

Thank you so much, I've sorted it out a bit.

I've been gone for a while now and there's been 6 articles, or rather a lot of flubbing.
LeoV >>:

Мы "не даём" - мы серьёзно говорим ))))

Yeah seriously, I read those 6 pages and I was almost in tears.
neomasterx >>:

ага серьезно, я пока эти 6 страниц прочитал, у меня чуть слезы со смеху не потекли.

He's only got 15 bucks left and he's having fun. Well, he can't laugh if his mum and dad feeds him and feeds him and buys him the internet.