What is everyone looking for? - page 10

SProgrammer писал(а) >> well, I'm not here to break your stereotypes. :)

You're the one with the stereotypes, not me. ))) You've expressed them here )))) "Don't put the healthy head on the sick head" ((c) .... )))
LeoV писал(а) >>

Stereotypes you have, not me. ))) You've expressed them here massively )))) "Don't put the healthy head on the sick head" (s) .... )))

Right... of course. Leo, do you have anything to say or are you just here to talk? I don't have any interest in your idle chitchat. I'm sorry. :))

sanyooooook >>:

Вот тут хочу задать вопрос: быть против кого и быть за кого?

Don't take it in your head. Put it in your pocket. It'll come in handy.


SProgrammer писал(а) >> yeah... sure. Leo, you got something to say, or are you just here to talk? I don't have any interest in talking to you. I'm sorry. :))

I wrote to you. You wrote that it's all bullshit. What's the next step? )))

LeoV писал(а) >>

I told you the point. You wrote that it was all nonsense. How do you want to take it from here? )))

>> Yeah. ))
SProgrammer писал(а) >> Yeah. ))

>> Uh-huh.)

MetaDriver >>:

Не бери в голову. Бери в карман. Пригодится.



SProgrammer писал(а) >>
============      ==============       ===========      
Инструмент ] ---->[  Индикатры ]----> [ Детекторы ] ---{ торговые сигналы } ---|
============      ==============       ===========                             |
============      ==============       ===========                             |  
Инструмент ] ---->[  Индикатры ]----> [ Детекторы ] ---{ торговые сигналы } ---+--------------> [Торговая система]--- { торговые операции } ---> ДЦ
============      ==============       ===========                             |
============      ==============       ===========                             |
Инструмент ] ---->[  Индикатры ]----> [ Детекторы ] ---{ торговые сигналы } ---| 

Well, a typical system looks like this.

So, if to separate all that after detectors, but leave only them, you get such a pseudo-indicator, in the manner of fractols - which marks only signals. It means that it converts any indicator into this pseudo-indicator that can be analyzed to check its reliability. And to make a conclusion about the quality of this indicator.

at the heart of the matter - market processes are primary. Some cause and effect relationships. When applied to the market, sanctions are the basis. Because the basis of all trading decisions are certain patterns of actions of other participants. That is, the subject of speculation is the mass logic (in the financial sense) of decision-making. And the price change is a consequence of the realization of the various "groups" of bidders' sentiment. Therefore, the indicator should show what is happening within the target group - to identify the cause, to participate in the consequence. This is probably why a good indicator is one that you know how to use - you know when it is able to show the cause in a timely manner.

Avals >>:

Поэтому наверное хороший индикатор тот, который умеешь применять - знаешь когда он способен показать причину.

If you try to answer the question "why are you looking at the monitor right now?", how many reasons can you find?

I recommend really doing it. Write out 20 or 30 reasons.

And it is better to repeat the procedure repeatedly, with different surrounding facts.

"Why is spring coming?"

"Why are there letters on the keyboard?"

"Why does forex exist?"


I'm not joking. It can really help. In this process (writing out the reasons) you'll come across aspects of reality that you're ignoring (so far).

This will help get rid of the empty hopes of being able to find out the "right reasons". It's impossible to find out what doesn't exist.

// By the way - and useless. But that's another topic.

But you have to get into it yourself.

Your way of thinking is unsystematic (at the time of writing your post). Improve it. Develop it.