Averaging? - page 4

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

It seemed to me that the Neveteran had taken it upon himself to assert that he had found such a more or less stable pattern and decided to share the main direction of thought. Otherwise a reasonable sense disappears at once as the whole idea will not be better than guessing by coffee grounds :).

You're thinking like everyone else again, that's the reason for the misunderstanding.
Svinozavr >>:
Да что вы, в самом деле, "не вникли", "не поняли", "накинулись"...
Что там непонятного... Нет статистического подтверждения - только заклинания, что "cool". И все.
Да что и сколько угодно можно напридумывать - дальше-то что? Дальше, обычно, следует экспериментальное подтверждение. Ну и?
Ладно. Сколько можно, ей-богу...

It's some kind of contagion.
It's slowly spreading throughout the forum.
More and more "seeing" and "seeing".
dentraf >>:

Вы опять думаете как и все, в этом и причина непонимания

Well, what do you think "seeing" and "thinking" should be different from the normal and accepted way of seeing "truth"?

dentraf >>:

Вы опять думаете как и все, в этом и причина непонимания


There is a hypothesis. The next step is at least experimental verification. At the most, a proof.
In short, it is only a hypothesis. And from the most general considerations and assumptions it does not fucking follow that it is better in efficiency than the known strategies with minimal risks, and therefore with minimal profit - i.e. more efficient.

What else is there to talk about? If you want to check - well, go ahead, who prevents...

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

Well, what do you think "seeing" and "thinking" should be different from the normal and conventional way of seeing "truth"?

All right, let's come at it from the other side. Let's get away from the veteran and his idea.

Where do you think the martin will live longer on one EURUSD pair or on the resulting group of instruments (consisting of 20 pairs) ???

I personally supported him as soon as he started talking. Any creative things, even the craziest need support - because the author of the idea himself doubts that he is right - he needs help, support, even if you do not quite share his views. And I think the community (local) he a lot of support, but gentlemen - there is always a time when you have to ask somehow justify your ideas - justify how? In any research environment (scientists) there are rules - and these rules have been worked out for centuries - I will not repeat here, and I do not remember them all - but for example theory is tested by practice, back-tests of MODELS (and we build models - someone in the head someone on paper), error analysis and so on. Proof that they're not contradictory ... In any IDEA here - there are always two things - the first is a MODEL, the second is a strategy. The first is "supposedly ...." and there is a description of the model, and the second is "... Well then we do this and that ...." The model should be calculated - roughly, to understand that it is not nonsense. The strategy has to be calculated theoretically, like profit can be in principle....

Well, if Nevereran, has given birth to something let him at least prove that HIS averaging works.

Svinozavr писал(а) >>


There is a hypothesis. The next step is at least experimental verification. At the most, a proof.
In short, it is only a hypothesis. And from the most general considerations and assumptions it does not fucking follow that it is better in efficiency than the known strategies with minimal risks, and therefore with minimal profit - i.e. more efficient.

What else is there to talk about? You want to check it, go ahead.

Once again I explain my position, I am not going to prove my vision and understanding (it is a very ungrateful task in this forum). I only try to show an alternative view of the market, i.e. a vector for further research. Who is interested to join him, who is not, excuse me.

And in general, I get the impression that I'm probably going to be treated as an author......
It is probably easier not to share my thoughts.
SProgrammer писал(а) >>

I personally supported him as soon as he started talking. Any creative things, even the craziest need support - because the author of the idea himself doubts that he is right - he needs help, support, even if you do not quite share his views. And I think the community (local) he a lot of support, but gentlemen - there is always a time when you have to ask somehow justify your ideas - justify how? In any research environment (scientists) there are rules - and these rules have been worked out for centuries - I will not repeat here, and I do not remember them all - but for example theory is tested by practice, back-tests of MODELS (and we build models - someone in the head someone on paper), error analysis and so on. Proof that they're not contradictory ... In any IDEA here - there are always two things - the first is a MODEL, the second is a strategy. The first is "supposedly ...." and there is a description of the model, and the second is "... Well then we do this and that ...." The model should be calculated - roughly, to understand that it is not nonsense. The strategy has to be calculated theoretically, like profit can be in principle....

Well if Nevereran, gave birth to something let him at least prove that HIS averaging works.

Tell me why he has to prove anything? What's the point?
dentraf писал(а) >>

Tell me why he needs to prove something, what's the point?

If he has no sense to prove it - there are two variants - the first he has already proved everything and does not want to tell anybody and the second - he does not need to be convinced of himself that he is right - that is he is a believer, he just believes. We do not consider the third option - that he is a cheat. :)

The conclusion is that if he wants to be sure of his idea - he must prove it. :) And better in public, here... It's more likely that they'll find a mistake in the proof.

*** If there is an assumption that publication of his idea will change the market - well, you just have to sit quietly and be quiet, or rather prove to yourself and be quiet. :)

dentraf >>:

Хорошо зайдем с другой стороны. Отвлечемся от ветерана и его идеи.

Как вы думаете где проживет дольше мартин? на одной паре EURUSD или на результирующей из группы инструментов (состоит из 20 пар) ???

OK. Let's take the behaviour of the sum of losses on all pairs and take a martin. If a martin corrects against price, then the lifetime depends on the length of the trend, and if it corrects against price, then on the number of reversals of the total drawdown. The probability of both is equal on average.