Averaging? - page 3

dentraf писал(а) >>

You see, if black is black and you can see it, then it's very likely black

>> that's demagoguery. Sight is a tried and tested sense by many))) And then there are deceptions. In short, it is not an argument, but your hope, your emotions. You may or may not find something.
Avals писал(а) >>

is demagoguery. Sight is a tried and tested sense by many))) And then there are deceptions. In short, it's not an argument, it's your hope, your emotion. You may or may not find something.

You know I am not trying to prove anything, I am just saying that there is a direction to pay attention to and nothing more.
You are right it is all demoguery, but the logic of life is demoguery first and then comes business, but not the other way around. ---- This is human nature!!! I think you will not dispute it?
dentraf >>:

И что самое интересное он все правильно описал в своей ветке, только почемуто его не кто не хочет понять, так что читайте все есть!

But then where do you think the key piece that explains the direction is? I don't think it reveals anything more than the author did. There's too much fog to get to the reasonable point :))

Andrei01 писал(а) >>

But then where do you think the key piece that explains the direction is? I don't think it reveals anything more than the author did. There's too much fog that you can't get to the reasonable grain :))

OK! What do you think you need to make money in the market?
dentraf писал(а) >>

you know i'm not trying to prove it! i'm just saying that there is a direction to pay attention to and nothing more.
You are right it is all demoguery but the logic of life is that demoguery comes first and then deeds but not the other way round---- it is human nature!!! i think you will not dispute that?

i will not. The question is how to present ideas. It is one thing to assert genius simplicity and arrogance towards other ways of working and those who have not yet discovered the 'truth' (this is not personal to you). It is another thing to present it as a promising approach and to discuss ways to implement and test it. The former is used by near-marketers to perch on the crowd and there are many ways to do so. In the thread in question, that was exactly the way it was presented, with transparent slogans that everyone understood in their own way, but they think they got it right.
dentraf >>:
Хорошо! как вы думаете что вам нужно что бы зарабатывать на рынке?

I can assume that some kind of statistically stable pattern is required.

Avals писал(а) >>

I won't. The question is how to present ideas. It is one thing to claim ingenious simplicity and arrogance towards other ways of working and those who have not yet discovered the "truth" (this is not personal to you). It is another thing to present it as a promising approach and to discuss ways to implement and test it. The former is used by near-marketers to perch on the crowd and there are many ways to do so. In the thread in question, that was exactly the way it was presented, with transparent slogans that everyone understood in their own way, but they think they got it right.

I will not answer for the veteran. I do not know whether he is right or wrong, and no one knows, only time will do. Time will put everything in its place!
Andrei01 писал(а) >>

I can assume that some kind of statistically stable pattern is required.

But in the market, as you understand, if there is a pattern, it is obviously not stable (in those intervals in which we can afford to trade, due to limitations of our depo)

Why are you really "not getting it", "not understanding", "pouncing"...
What's not to understand... There's no statistical proof - just spells that "cool". That's all.
You can make up as much as you like - what's next? What follows, as a rule, is an experimental confirmation. So?
Ok. I mean, come on...
dentraf >>:

Но в рынке как вы понимаете если и есть закономерность то явно не стабильная (в тех промежутках в которых мы можем себе позволить торговать, из-за ограничений своего депо)

It seemed to me that the Neveteran had taken it upon himself to assert that he had found such a more or less stable pattern and decided to share the main direction of thought. Otherwise a reasonable sense disappears at once as the whole idea will be no better than guessing by coffee grounds :).