Once again, about the lokas. - page 15

Svinozavr писал(а) >>
"Don't you have the floors to mop? Or I'll come and wash them!" // "Autumn Marathon"

G-d willing... Go and search the forum if you have to.

(I won't die of grief if someone doesn't wise up.)

Can you give me anything except blah, blah, blah, blah? Apparently not, well, then your words are worth zero as always. :)

SProgrammer >>:

Вы что-нибудь кроме флуда - бла-бла-бла выдать можете? Видимо нет, ну тогда вашим словам как всегда цена ноль. :)

You're nothing but a load of rubbish, that's for sure.
I personally use Svinozavr's indulgences.
lea писал(а) >>

Proportional to their size ratio, is that what you mean? I don't see why an integral function is needed here. And what does it have to do with the stability of the distribution? Explain, if you don't mind.

Because any REASON requires proof - and a claim denying an unproven claim does NOT require proof. I have asserted - and explained where the assertion comes from. Gentlemen who claim (in fact they just believe) that the lock allows you to avoid losses by manipulating volumes, etc., let them prove that their claim is true. I only say there is no difference between loss-making and simple profit taking. :) And that's why lock is bullshit. And the american government agrees with me by the way. :)

avatara писал(а) >>
You're nothing but a load of rubbish, that's for sure.

You've forgiven the example of the rules I gave, but you're just idle talk. :)

SProgrammer >>:

Вы простили пример правила я привел, от вас же только досужие разговоры. :)

The rule I asked to prove is where it all started. Not derived in the assumption that there is no trend average ;)
Don't be so forward.
And fulfilling your taken educative mission to prove the uselessness of the locus.
The topic will be closed.
Respect is assured.
Forever and ever. ;)

avatara писал(а) >>

The rule I asked to prove is where it all started. Not derived in the assumption that there is no trend average ;)
Don't be so forward.
And fulfilling your taken educative mission to prove the uselessness of the locus.
The topic will be closed.
Respect is assured.
Forever and ever. ;)

You asked for a rule that is 100% enforceable - claiming you can't prove anything on forex. So you won't prove anything - I gave you an example of a rule. And this PROVES that your assertion is false. Now you prove your assertion that there is an aglorithm. Can't you? Well I didn't doubt it. :)
Don't touch SProgrammera, it's a valuable gene pool. What if there's a war? One SProgrammer would kill a company of enemy soldiers. In World War II they dropped them right on the enemy's head on the front line or at the rear and refused to take them back.
gip писал(а) >>
Don't touch SProgrammera, it's a valuable gene pool. What if there's a war? One SProgrammer would kill a company of enemy soldiers. In WWII they dumped them right on the enemy's head on the front line or at the rear and refused to take them back.


avatara писал(а) >>

The rule I asked to prove is where it all started. Not derived in the assumption that there is no trend average ;)
Don't be so forward.
And fulfilling your taken educative mission to prove the uselessness of the locus.
The topic will be closed.
Respect is assured.
Forever and ever. ;)

I'm not being disrespectful - I'm anonymous - :) You're getting a little out of hand. What respect. It is empty-handed to prove that Prival was wrong I really did not want as Prival is constructive, but to prove that you are a complete dilettante motivates me. For I do not like pusochin "at will" - you know exactly - tell, but something you just believe :) it is your own business. Many believe that 2*2 = 4 and many understand why it is so. :))

gip писал(а) >>
Don't touch SProgrammera, it's a valuable gene pool. What if there's a war? One SProgrammer would kill a company of enemy soldiers. In WWII they dumped them right on the enemy's head on the front line or at the rear and refused to take them back.

I can give you the link again - LNS :) Shall I? - Yeah - here - http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/i_am_clever/56105/:))