Once again, about the lokas. - page 8


OK Spartak rolled 8:1 so next time we will go out of the lock-up by splitting 8 orders

kharko >>:

Поясните, в чем заключается некорректность примеров? Покажите или докажите... А так пустая болтовня.

The idle chatter is just you in this thread, better use the forum search. I have made a very specific point to you - you do not take into account the totality of the facts, all the situations. As it was in previous discussions.
And to dive into debates about locks or explanations here - sorry, year after year there have been the same debates, both sides have just been full of holes, without any attempt at a full and objective investigation (that's a pretty strong word, but it means something quite simple). In the threads about lokas both the pillars of the forum participated, and casual visitors, and platform developers (and also a stubborn fellow categorically unwilling to perceive anything).
And the hedgehog has no example-analogy at all, it's obvious.
kharko >>:
На счет Граальчика вы зря иронизируете. И депо нужен не такой уж безразмерный. Если правильно задать параметры для вычисления возможного риска..
Еще раз перечитайте мое сообщение о пользе локов.

"Sho, again?" quote (Once upon a time there was a dog) ....

Sorry - you have a bit of a confused concept. Lock and Hedge are basically different approaches to trading. Not to repeat myself I will just give a link to spider - to the relevant thread - my old posts are there.


Here I give the opinion of American brokers.


In this chapter I will give my old posts.
In general, read and consider. Honestly - just sick of being urged to use a calculator.

Good luck.

Yeah, about the amers - that was before the NFA ban on loki.

VladislavVG писал(а) >>

"Shaw, again?" - quote (cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog") ....

Sorry - you have a bit of a confused concept. Lock and Hedge are basically different approaches to trading. Not to repeat myself I will just give a link to spider - to the relevant thread - my old posts are there.


Now that was interesting, but... denial is a far cry from creation.
Your advice on how to be a trader when price moves 10-100p downwind of an open position
You kind of combed out the hedging there as well.

Good advice on the Euribucks example
i get a 5-10% lot of the eq. and at this point the position is in the range of -10-100 p ips

The usual standard situation when one is not ready to cut losses is when one is 51% sure
that there is still some profit to be made on the position! I.e. the position has hit a pullback...

baltik >>:

Вот это было интересным, но... отрицание - далеко-ооо от созидания
Ваш совет как быть трейдеру при движении цены на 10-100п не по ветру открытой позы
Вы там и хеджирование как бы причесали

Хорошо Ваш совет на примере пары Еврабакс
лот 5-10% от еквити и в данный момент позиция лота в диапазоне - 10-100п

Обычная стандартная ситуация когда резать убытки рука не поднимается так увереность на 51%
что на позе можно есче даже заработать! Т.е попала поза в откат...

Once again, there is no denial of locks per se in that thread. There's one statement there - lock does not give an advantage for trading. Even the Americans at the time tried to explain in a very popular way that opening a lock is equivalent to not having an open position. Then they gave up, but not for long, because the NFA made a mess of it.
As for the trader's advice about waiting for the stop to execute or not: before opening a position, the trader should know the direction of the opening, the size of the position to be opened and the distance to the stop. If the system evaluates a possible profit, then also the distance to the limit. If any of these points are in doubt, it is more reasonable to "sit on the fence" - otherwise this is not a trader, but a gambler. And in this case any advice will not be effective: the drawdown is a matter of time and does not depend on the system.

Good luck.

VladislavVG писал(а) >>

Once again, there is no denial of locks per se in that thread. There's one statement there - lock does not give an advantage for trading. Even the Americans at the time tried to explain in a very popular way that opening a lock is equivalent to the absence of an open position. Then they gave up, but not for long, because the NFA made a mess of it.
As for the trader's advice about waiting for the stop execution or non-execution: before opening a position, the trader should know the direction of the opening, the size of the position to be opened and the distance to the stop. If the system evaluates a possible profit, then also the distance to the limit. If any of these points are in doubt, it is more reasonable to "sit on the fence" - otherwise this is not a trader, but a gambler. And in this case any advice will not be effective: the drawdown is a matter of time and does not depend on the system.

>> Good luck.

Thanks, I get it - I'm a player.

Didn't get the point of that "Once more about the lokas". I don't think anyone has anything new to say....

VladislavVG >>:

... до открытия позиции трейдер должен знать направление открытия, размер открываемой позиции и расстояние до стопа. Если система оценивает возможный профит, то и расстояние до лимитника. Если какие-то из этих пунктов под сомнением, то разумней "сидеть на заборе" - иначе это не трейдер, а игрок.

I would like to join Vladislav in this statement. In my opinion, a trader is a person who evaluates the mathematical expectation, and a player is a person who evaluates the probability of that mathematical expectation occurring.

baltik >>:

Спасибо я понял - я игрок

I didn't mean you personally - it's a general approach, and it's written in all the textbooks.
And what prevents you from becoming a trader? If you have a system, the difference is discipline. (The question is rhetorical).

(The question is rhetorical.) Good luck.
VladislavVG >>:

Еще раз - в той ветке нет отрицания локов как таковых. Там одно утверждение - лок преимущества для торговли не дает. Даже амеры в то время очень популярно пытались объяснить, что открытие лока эквивалентно отсутствию открытой позиции. Потом, правда, сдались, но не на долго - НФА всю малину поломало.
По поводу совета трейдеру - ждать исполнения или не исполнения стопа : до открытия позиции трейдер должен знать направление открытия, размер открываемой позиции и расстояние до стопа. Если система оценивает возможный профит, то и расстояние до лимитника. Если какие-то из этих пунктов под сомнением, то разумней "сидеть на заборе" - иначе это не трейдер, а игрок. А в этом случае любые советы не будут эффективны: слив вопрос времени и от системы не зависит.


In my post I talked about the algorithm for opening a lock. The basis: taking a profit and waiting for a 50% pullback on the move.
Pure technique to execute trading decisions - no system. I showed how to calculate the possible risks.

A similar technique is possible in hedging. The calculation becomes more complicated. It requires comparison of the position volumes of the pairs that are used for hedging.