My next "masterpiece" - page 12

Urain >>:

Типичная позиция жителя кислородного мира с аграрно-феодальным устроем.

Вы просто привыкли что соединение кислорода с водородом подвергают эрозие платформу на которой вы обитаете, металлы окисляються блаблабла.

Куда более романтичней метано-водородная планета в закате нейтронной звезды :о)

And there is nothing to argue with...
Except, perhaps, that there can be no planets around neutron stars, or rather planets in their completed form.
The thing is that the formation of a neutron star is a supernova explosion and it is so strong that it ruptures everything in the star's orbit.
Although I cannot say for sure due to my lack of specific knowledge.
P.S. I am absolutely sure that intelligent life (let us keep silence about lower forms) cannot be represented by a single planet in such colossal spaces of Universe.

keekkenen >>:


I'm friends with nothing, that's true. And I'm versatile.


* * *
♪ I'm a rock in the air ♪
♪ I'm a calloused heart ♪
♪ Free as a god is broken ♪
And loving like the devil
Cold as steel
And fiery as a moan
Unfit as a green mouse
And needy as a red elephant
Despicable as a righteous knight
Beloved as a humble magician
Swift as a gift
♪ On my birthday a donkey ♪
Meaningless as poetry
♪ Like prose, like a proverb, like a blade ♪
Without use, clever as a blade.
Without posture madly stupid.
Lord_Shadows >>:

P.S. Абсолютно уверен, что разумная жизнь (про низшие формы вообще умолчим) на столь колоссальных пространствах Вселенной не может быть представлена единственной планеткой.

I think so too. Even on our forum there are sometimes intelligent thoughts.
thoughts are always sensible (by source)...
keekkenen >>:
мысли всегда разумные (по источнику возникновения)..
some thoughts are simply the product of avoiding mindlessness - the true source of sanity.
MetaDriver >>:

С пустотой дружу, эт верно. А вапче я разнообразный.


* * *
Я камнем на взлёте пуганый
Я сердцем мозолистым тёрт
Свободный как бог поруганный
И любящий словно чёрт
Холодный как сталь калёная
И пламенный словно стон
Негодный как мышь зелёная
И нужный как красный слон
Презренный, как витязь праведный
Любимый, как скромный маг
Стремительный - как подаренный
Ко Дню Рожденья ишак
Бессмысленный как поэзия
Как проза сквозящий влубь
Без пользы умён как лезвие
Без позы безумно глуп.


I've always said that the division into physicists and lyricists was invented by mediocrities.
If a man is talented he is talented at everything ))))
Richie >>:

Хочу узнать, а где связь между Луной и трейдингом?

What does it matter where the connection is and how exactly the Moon affects the trading process. The important thing is that there are sustainable properties that can be used for trading.

If a property has manifested itself sustainably in the past, it is wise to use it in the future. This is pure TA!!!

P.S. Similarly, it is written on some medicines: The mechanism of action of the medicine is unknown, but it has been established that it has the following properties: ......


It's not the moon that affects you, it's the weather. :) And the time of year. I can almost 100% predict the market a couple of weeks ahead - based on weather, news, expectations, etc. How? I don't know, it's only experience and as a consequence just intuition. But it's the weather, not the moon. :)

Mischek >>:


Thank you, Misha, I love you too. And myself... ;)
. * * *
♪ I love myself, I love myself ♪
♪ I love myself in the sky and on the ground ♪
♪ I love myself in a snotty oblivion ♪
♪ And under a snake and on a horse ♪
♪ I love the front and the back ♪
♪ I love the tilted and the crooked and the true ♪
♪ I love the truth and the deceit ♪
♪ Through and through and through ♪
I love under the beer and in the basement
♪ In the attic and in the joint ♪
I love poetry and the piano
♪ For euros and easy ♪
I love it when I'm hungover and drunk
When he's funny and when he's a fool
I love a happy man and a bloody one
In the midst of love and in the midst of fights
♪ I love in tenderness and in pain ♪
♪ I love in the stall or with the whip ♪
I love in the fall and in the rise
♪ And in poverty and with a shield ♪
I love orally, intravenously,
Subcutaneously, in the ass and in the groin,
As prescribed, daily,
After meals and on an empty stomach
I love in the grave and in the picture
In a screen, in a cast, in a negligee,
In my arms, in the bathroom and in the toilet,
♪ And in the lift and on the floor ♪
♪ I love with a smirk and under the press ♪
♪ I love on the wings and in the bond ♪
¶ I love with a huge edge ¶
♪ In the nowhere, in the concrete and in the everywhere ♪
I love both solo and duple,
♪ And a chorus and a mouthful ♪
♪ I love it at night and in the light ♪
♪ I love it straight and vice versa ♪
♪ I love to stand and bend ♪
♪ Lying down, prancing and jumping ♪
♪ I love openly, proudly, ringing ♪
¶ and I've got love in my gut ¶
¶ I love barter and cash ¶
¶ I like to borrow and pawn ¶
¶ and with billions of dollars ¶
♪ and for a fake purse ♪
I love to attack and ambush
♪ I love it when I don't need it ♪
In a museum, in a bathhouse, in a zoo...
In toil, in freebies and in the rain...
I love drunkenly and I don't repent
In bottles, in bottles, on the bottle...
And like an alcoholic I fall in love again
...I've fallen in love a minute before...
January 2004
Spring in space (March image)
A UV image of the Sun's surface taken by a NASA aircraft. Bright areas can be seen in the photo. These are the infamous solar flares.
Never mind, it'll pass.)))