Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 81

Popular profitable logic has been publicly available for years - entry on kickback

But who needs it? That's right - nobody :)
Tantrik писал(а) >>

The maximum spread is 15pp. I have a non-metatrade platform from a broker of 177 currency pairs, all the exchanges of the world in general all there is enough for 300 years of experiments.
When you open opposite positions the margin is not taken, spread is taken! And swap for the next day!

can you show me in your personal message?

Tantrik >>:

Максимальный спред 15пп. У меня не метатрейд платформа от брокера 177 валютных пар, все биржы мира вобщем всё что есть хватит на 300 лет экспериментов.
При открытии разнонаправленных поз маржа не берётся, спред берётся! и своп за перенос позиций на следующий день! берётся!

What kind of broker?
Turka писал(а) >>

What kind of broker?

An ordinary broker. Russian ones on RBC... with forecasts....
sever29 писал(а) >>

>>can you show me in a private message?

But the spread is very much floating on eu in the daytime 3pp. in the evening 6-9pp. In a strong move the Sunday before last +50 and immediately -50 spread was up to 100pp. - so leave a pending order.....
Tantrik писал(а) >>

But the spread is very much floating on the eu during the day 3pp. in the evening 6-9pp. With strong movement the Sunday before last +50 and immediately -50 spread was up to 100pp. - so leave a pending order.....

on Sunday? "+-50pts" old? or for five digits?

sever29 писал(а) >>

on Sunday? "+-50p" with the old ones? or for the five digits?

Normal pips the fifth digit does not count! fast movement back and forth 30sec - 2minutes and spread immediately 50-100pp. The movement falters and the spread decreases.....that's it.
Tantrik писал(а) >>

Normal pips the fifth sign does not count! Fast movement back and forth 30sec - 2minutes and spread at once 50-100pp. The movement stops and the spread decreases.....

that's nonsense, 50-100pp spread for eur/bucks... Aren't you mistaken?

sever29 >>:

ерунда какая то, 50-100п. спрэд для евра/бакса... Вы не ошибаетесь?

Tantrik, there is a topic about pictures, have you seen it? You could build a picture of the spread there.
sever29 писал(а) >>

That's nonsense, 50-100 pips spread for the eu/bucks... Are you not mistaken?

No, I'm not mistaken, I wanted to catch a move and there was a spread! But it was only after the weekend. There was nothing this Sunday, there was a gap spread usual.