Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 67

sever29 >>:

нет, это выглядити вот так. Крышка Вашему гению и вашему депо при безоткате в 1500п. в течении недели. Можете работать долго в своему уникальному приемчику, но подобная картинка повторится, обязательно повторится и вынесет все в чистую.

I used this example to show that if you close all open orders short of the margin call, the deposit will be in place.
If you catch a call, nothing will help, it's a martin. I just gave an example of how to make a profit from a 100% lock.
But why wait till the end?
This is not TS
, this is a primitive technique of getting out of a lock with profit.
We were talking about how you can use locs...
api >>:

Для того, чтобы зелененькая была выше синенькой необходимо, оставлять прибыльные сделки в рынке (лочить их к примеру), а когда Вы все время закрываете прибыльные, а убыточные накапливаются, то получается наоборот - синенькая сверху зелененькой. Тут у Вас неувязочка. И если (условно назовем "Неветеранская система") с теорией вероятности мне не по зубам, пока Вы не разжуете, то на сетках с мартином и супермартином я не одну собаку съел. Тут меня не обманешь!

In order to keep the green one above the blue one, you need to keep profitable trades in the market (break them for example).

That's how I'm locking them!!!!
I showed an element (technical element) of how this can be done.
It's just an example of an element of logic.

This is the schematic I sketched out for this conversation ......................

Neveteran 01.04.2010 17:48

kharko wrote (a) >>
Neveteran, please answer my questions ....

Working against the price movement (there is no trend, it was invented by those who saw it there - there is an up and down price movement), it is pure suicide, martin, whether inverted, straight or oblique, sooner or later will make itself felt and will not show it enough.

How can I make profit from a 100% loc?

out of 50% locs?

out of 30% locs?

Make them interact at different intervals, lead, lag.
this is the (primitive) answer to all your questions ............
Neveteran >>:
Развлекалка ..............

Лот расчитываете от дэпо ............. 00.1 или 0.1 ........... на картинке я просто показал 1 лот с шагом 10pip (так нагляднее и проще считать)
Весь прикол этой хохмы, в том, что даже если вам нехватает дэпо, то вы, закрываясь в любой точке, при любой просадке, всегда сохраняете дэпо.

Правила: TP= SL= Step, стопов нет.
закрывается вся пирамида, при получении профита на ордер по провисающему напрввлению.

Реально работает! (но это так, баловство или наглядный пример, как можно приручить мартина)

Martin vulgaris
Packed with locks.
exactly the same fate as a regular martin
In Yalta, you will be beaten.
if they catch up of course.
Ostap got lucky in Vasyuki.
The question remains - you dilute or even worse, you do not understand.
And by the way, as api pointed out, the drawing is left-handed.
It's definitely going to hit.
In Yalta, parties are usually held at the Yalta Hotel.
Don't take the restaurant on the top floor, the way to the lifts will be cut off, take the Crystal
or the bunker, there behind the stage, through the dressing rooms, you go straight to the lobby.
then dive into the subway to the beach and go to Turkey, Antarctica, wherever ...
Mischek писал(а) >>

Martin vulgaris
Packed with locs.
exactly the same fate as martin common
In Yalta, you will be beaten.
if they catch up of course.
Ostap got lucky in Vasyuki.
The question remains: are you making a fool of yourself or is it even worse?


sever29 >>:


and I liked the finale better:

They're definitely going to beat up.
In Yalta, parties are usually held at the Yalta Hotel
don't take the restaurant on the top floor, the way to the lifts will be cut off, take the Khrustalny
or the bunker, there behind the stage through the dressing rooms and right into the lobby

// Misha, you're awesome! :)))
Neveteran писал(а) >>

In order to keep the green one above the blue one, you need to keep profitable trades in the market (break them for example).

That's how I'm locking them!!!!
I showed an element (technical element) of how this can be done.
It's just an example of an element of logic.

And even so, when profitable ones are broken, unprofitable ones are growing and growing and the green is getting lower and lower. And that picture you showed smells of something else. But I do not know what it is. But it certainly has nothing to do with the system presented by you on margin (image).
But I'll show you what your system chart from the previous page actually looks like:

Notice the green dashes at the bottom. That's the size of the lots. It's up to the 10th degree of two. You know what kind of bails are needed. And this is under the condition of equity drawdown that is symbolically shown by the blue line as losses are closed at first.

api >>:

И даже так, когда прибыльные лочатся, то убыточные растут и растут и зелененькая при этом все ниже и ниже. А тот рисуночек, что Вы показали попахивает чем-то другим. Но я пока не догадываюсь чем. Но совершенно точно к представленной Вами системе на мартине (рисунок) отношения не имеет.

You are jumping to conclusions too early or too quickly

nikat97 писал(а) >>

>> too early or too quick to jump to conclusions.

Where I know well and the conclusions have been drawn years ago - why not!

But with the probabilistic stuff my brain can't cope. Apparently it is not clear enough.

Will it be chewed up? Or what are we doing here?

The example with the broken lock, I showed only as an example of possible exit from a position with a profit.

But statistically, this trick helped me a lot and here's the point. If I use the demonstrated scheme out of 10 market entries, I will get 9 complete cycles, and one will reach the limit of drawdown and I close it by force (without letting a profit) and will not loose anything. So what is the problem?

I made these experiments quite a long time ago, but they were useful for general understanding.

My logic uses a minor element of this priming. Again, technically this technique is not considered at all, in any context.

Except one, the technology of exiting the market with minimal losses, agree if I have a locked + from the first cycle and negative positions (conditionally) locked (overlapped) on mirror or co-directed pairs, then they are safe. Or neutralized, whatever you want to call it. And then we work ahead with a calculated probability of averaging the result.

It is for this reason that the second cycle is always my last.