Probability, how do you turn it into a pattern ...? - page 56

dentraf >>:

угол наклона линии баланса вычисляеться из данных первого цикла?


The cycle result calculates the balance deviation, over a period of time, based on this data a second cycle can be balanced, understanding that the current (axis angle) = ...deg.

Neveteran писал(а) >>


The cycle result calculates the balance deviation, over a period of time, based on this data a second cycle can be balanced, understanding that the current (axis angle) = ...deg.

based on your practice the maximum number of cycles you have seen?
dentraf >>:

исходя из вашей практики максимальное количество циклов которое вы видели?

When I didn't yet understand that axis angle horizontality was idiotic, I was steering a whole bunch of lots in a row (martin) and there were countless cycles.

After I learned how to calculate it - the second cycle was the last. Add to that the fact that I don't take it to its logical end, it's cut off by the rule of reaching total balance advantage.

Neveteran писал(а) >>

When I didn't yet understand that axis angle horizontality was idiotic, I was steering a whole bunch of lots in a row (martin) and there were countless cycles.

After I learned how to calculate it - the second cycle was the last. Add to that the fact that I don't take it to its logical end, it's cut off by the rule of reaching total balance advantage.

but do you predict the goal of the balance sheet advantage, or is it a random "how much is all mine" process?

I have an idea for an indicator, almost a theme. Who is good at programming and has some free time, speak up:)

moskitman писал(а) >>

dentraf, imho, it is not the angle itself, but the dynamics of its behaviour from cycle to cycle that is of interest

it is more likely that the balance point for the end of the next period is calculated
sever29 писал(а) >>

I have an idea for an indicator, almost a theme. Who is good at programming and has some free time, speak up:)

I'm interested
dentraf писал(а) >>

I'm interested

I see:) can you make an indicator? I am interested in it for realization of some ideas, their basis is laid in this thread, further development in the course of realization of the indicator....

dentraf >>:

скорее всего расчитываеться точка балансового равновесия для конца следующего периода


Neveteran писал(а) >>

>> that's right!

I understand you are using both acceleration of order execution time and deceleration. Here is a very interesting logic of deceleration