Put in a good word about the occasional wanderer... - page 19

I've been watching Shiryaev. Unfortunately, a theorist. Respect to academicians, of course, is present, but no authority. There should only be their own research with a practical guide.

h-volatility, aka 2H they are the ones who introduced it ;)

p.S. only for Renko/Kagi, of course. There is also a dependence on the RZ parameter (i.e. the 2H rule does not work - especially for small knees).


h-volatility, aka 2H they are the ones who introduced ;)

Well, that's an elementary thing that has occurred to many people, but that hasn't been published in articles before theirs. And where is the practical implementation of using h-volatility? You can come up with a lot of characteristics.

Above gave a short list of elementary studies, authorship of them to score? The topic of reputation in quantum circles has nothing to do with the results of practical trading.


Well, that's an elementary thing that has occurred to many people, but that hasn't been published in articles before theirs. And where is the practical implementation of using h-volatility? You can come up with a lot of characteristics.

Above gave a short list of elementary studies, authorship of them to score? The topic of reputation in quantum circles has nothing to do with the results of practical trading.

:) well, did you take it from them, or did you re-invent it yourself? By the way, I have already written, that it is inapplicable to EZ - more precisely another formula, and you have all about EZ. So mathematics is not completely useless ;) Although it is possible to do without it.

well it's an insider and the rain is the equivalent of news)) wrote that except for the insider.

No, it is not an insider, because you cannot directly influence the appearance of rain. If you were spraying a special reagent in the clouds that would cause rain, then that would be insider and foul play. But suppose you developed a model that more correctly determines the probability of rain based on current, common knowledge conditions. You consider today's factors more correctly than everyone else's, and so you know when to sell disposable umbrellas. It is this determinism that is a factor in your trading success. You do not earn from the umbrellas themselves, you earn from the fact that you can more accurately build relationships between what the weather was today and what the weather will be tomorrow.

:) So, did you get it from them or did you make it up again? By the way, I have already written that it is inapplicable to EZ - or rather a different formula, while you have all about EZ. So mathematics is not completely useless ;) Although it is possible to do without it.

I didn't know about this characterisation (as something separate and discussed) until I heard it from someone. It is just a characteristic and nothing else. Nothing at all. And it is a special case of one of the elementary research points I wrote above.

Regarding ZZ:

The number of characteristics for a comparative analysis is limited only by the imagination of the researcher. Here are just the simplest ones:

There is no adherence to ZZ specifically.

There may be many distinguishing characteristics, but the important thing is to understand which of them can be applied in practice. Above I have already given an example of the importance of all the little things:

P.S. The simple example from life, they reduce my commission and it becomes profitable to trade with completely different TC input parameters, because there is a benefit in catching smaller movements.

I really don't know mathematics. I read such articles with great difficulty.

No, it's not an insider, because you can't directly influence the appearance of rain. If you were spraying a special reagent in the clouds which would cause rain, then it would be an insider and a foul play. But suppose you developed a model that more correctly determines the probability of rain based on current, common knowledge conditions. You take today's factors into account more correctly than everyone else's, and therefore you know when to sell disposable umbrellas. It is this determinism that is a factor in the success of your trade. You don't earn from the umbrellas themselves, you earn from the fact that you can more accurately build relationships between what the weather was today and what the weather will be tomorrow.

No, insider is not influencing an event, but having fundamental information before it is publicly available (what you are describing is manipulation)

As for the rest - I am writing about the fact that TA does not operate with exogenous information, but with internal (endogenous) information. That is, the causes of movements in past prices, their changes and the traders' reactions to them. And the result is not deterministic, but probabilistic (random).


I didn't know about this characterisation (as something separate and discussed) until I heard it from someone. It is just a characteristic and nothing else. Nothing at all. And it is a special case of one of the elementary research points I wrote above.

Regarding ZZ:

There's no obduracy about ZZ specifically.

There can be many different characteristics, it is also important to understand which of them can be applied in practice. Above I have already given an example of the importance of all the little things:

And I really don't know the maths. This is the kind of article I read with great difficulty.

OK. But then what is there to discuss if, for example, you are not prepared to discuss it?) Why are you surprised that it's not discussed? :)


What is the reason there is no comparative analysis of different FIs?


no, insider...

No, not an insider. Because there is no closed information. You know that it is going to rain based on your model, which takes publicly known information (wind speed, temperature, time of year, etc.) as input.

OK. But then what is there to discuss if, for example, you are not prepared to discuss it?) Why are you surprised that it's not discussed? :)

So I've had my fill of discussion, I'm trading now. And I only asked questions to direct the conversation in a practical direction, leaving academic research to the quants.

I am not going to pretend to be a know-it-all, moreover, I do not know any secrets. I just do research and apply it to trade.


No, not an insider. Because there is no closed information. You know that it is going to rain based on your model, which takes publicly known information (wind speed, temperature, time of year, etc.) as input.

No, was addressed to your definition of insider as a direct influence on events. This is manipulation