Avalanche - page 375


Blah... blah...

The usual.


"Blah, blah, blah" on your part only. "show me," "tell me," "prove it."

I don't need it. You use Lovina? You're welcome.

Don't forget to tell me about the ending.


You are not aware of what you are using. I don't know from what: lack of education or mental organisation...

It's simple. You have no memory. Therefore, you ALWAYS risk the same thing - what you bet. And it doesn't matter what you started with - a hundred roubles or - in the process - you've caught up to a lakh.

There are no more "words".


you know? I, for one, also hate the convictions of 'catfish' and Katala. And the "algorithm" itself.

But as Voltaire said - I would give my life for the right to express them.

But I could not prove the absurdity of the algorithm...

That's why I'm asking experts, maybe they've succeeded?

Turns out you didn't either.

They will only give me a head start in rumours.

Got it.

I take my leave.

Good night. And good luck with the trades.


lasso: Да-а-а-а. Ветка умирает. Еле-еле нашел её на n-ой странице. А как гремела в свое время?!

What can you do? Everything in this world is cyclical...

Yes all threads die at some point - apart from Humour, Any Novice Question and I'll write for free.

To be fair, the theme gets a lot more people excited and excited than I thought it would. What makes it attractive in the first place is that, at first glance, you don't have to bother with the analytical part of the trading system. But what for, if MM can replace it? After long and fruitless searching of system- grail seeker may get depressed and interested evenin Lovina...

Personally,Lovina does not suit me by the very nature of my risk appetite. In any case, I wouldn't trust her with serious money. I'm afraid that many in this thread don't have a very good idea of the risks of this system.

I suspect that the options made by the defenders of the idea and illustrated by beautiful screenshots, have gone far ahead compared to the original and all subsequent options of the topicstarter. Thus the original idea is refuted, as they use analytics on price behaviour, a toolkit that the original idea did not have at all. Nevertheless, even taking into account these improvements only 1-2 variants made by khorosh may claim for some achievement. That's how I see it from the outside.

Topicstarter - special thanks for that heartfelt fun with posts that went down in the annals. Perhaps these pearls are the main value of the branch.



That's why I'm asking the experts, in case they've succeeded.

Try reading the thread from the beginning.

It's all explained there, more than once.

What more is required?


Yeah, well... That was a hell of a thing.

Indeed - thanks to the sabj-maker!

It's not the same depressing stuff as in the other famous thread. Elliot, Neely... ))) That was more fun. More fun for sure!!! ))))))))))))))


Or maybe I'm wrong for trying to explain something? How about letting him have it? It's more fun that way, isn't it?



Nevertheless, even with these improvements, only 1-2 variants made by khorosh can claim some kind of achievement. Well, that's how I see it from the outside.

It seems to me that this is not Lovina, but something else.

And it seems to me that khorosh himself said something similar.



Or maybe I'm wrong for trying to explain something? How about letting him have it? It's more fun that way, isn't it?

Better to clarify and explain, so that, as Mathemat correctly pointed out, newbies don't get caught up and fall into temptation.

And other depressed ones, too.


Try reading the thread from the beginning.

It's all explained there, repeatedly.

What more is required?

do you have proof?

Or plausible reasoning?

Matemat also sort of doubts, and refers to his leanings -

Personally,Lovina doesn't suit me by the very nature of my risk appetite. In any case, I wouldn't trust her with serious money. I'm afraid that many in this thread don't have a very good idea of the risks of this system.

So your definition of "nonsense" is unsubstantiated!

You are an expert - refute it, please!

Please do not make excuses like "read carefully".

Here and now!



Yes, yes, that's exactly what I was talking about, Swetten: khorosh's options are no longerLovina.