Avalanche - page 171

Tantrik >>:

А нет такого индикатора - например средний прирост по счёту = столько то % прирост не поступает лавина останавливается!

Well, I think the coders could easily do it. But what's the use? So what if this script stops trading. But an avalanche won't start making money. Just will not sell out.
By the way, why even a script can simply set a stop loss. At the level of the planned drawdown put stop loss. And that's it. Here's your limit)))
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

Well, I think the coders could easily make it. But what's the point? So what's the point of stopping this script from trading. But an avalanche won't make money. Just won't sell out.
By the way, why even a script can simply set a stop loss. At the level of the planned drawdown put stop loss. And that's it. Here's your limit)))

Save your earnings! Sit out the flat!
E_mc2 >>:

Понимаешь..если придумать что нибудь толковое как бороца с флетом то прикол в том что в этом случае лавина вообще не понабица! Можна будет спокойно торговать на один стабильный лот и делов то) Суть Лавины как раз в том что автор говорит что можно тупо произвольно открываца и по его словам всегда быть в профите. Если начать что то уже придумывать..систему для борьбы с флетом..то я уже сказал Лавина тогда нафиг не нужна будет.Это уже будет совершенно другая ТС.

I don't get it. How is it that an avalanche will not be needed? The trick of an avalanche is that you don't think when and where to open and in the absence of a long flat (not any flat, but a certain flat, with such parameters, at which a specific avalanche dies) the profit is guaranteed, as the author says. What do you mean by "You may trade with one stable lot, and that's it"? -I think the avalanche stopping system should be developed, for example, under following conditions - the total volume of lots is higher than a certain value, or, for example, when opening a new order, calculate if there is enough money to open a theoretical order and if there is no such reserve, all orders should be closed before it is too late. As a result, instead of losing we will have a small loss, which should be covered with a future profit. We just need the most efficient method of stopping it.

Tantrik >>:

Сохранит заработанное! Пересидеть флэт!

How do you know it's over? Maybe it will be over for another month. How do you sit it out? Do you realize that if it were that easy... we would sit out a flat and start chopping on the trend. There would be no need for an avalanche, it would be a grail!
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

If we come up with something smart how to fight flat, the trick is that in this case the avalanche is not needed at all! We may trade on one stable lot, and the whole point of Lavina is that the author says we may open one lot at random and gain profit. If we start to think out something else...a system for dealing with flat...I said already Avalanche will not be needed. This will be a completely different TS.

Relax - you can't prove anything to the author. Many attempts have been made here and all to no avail.
He obviously has other goals, he "turns on a fool", or rather deliberately does not turn it off.
And many of those who are not good at mathematics and logic have already contracted the disease.
It is hard to believe that he does not understand or even try to understand the plain truth.
Take care of your nerves - they will come in handy in trading.

E_mc2 писал(а) >>

How do you know it's over already? Maybe it will be over for another month. How do you sit it out? Do you realize that if it were that easy... we would sit out a flat and start chopping on the trend. There would be no need for an avalanche, it would be a grail!

An avalanche overlaps the loss, but the stop catches it! You need a stop on the account! The TS is not trending in five seconds, it is losing on a flat, there is no gain, so stop. Example - a team of installers went on a binge why there are lights and other costs etc. you need to put a lock on the object.
d22 >>:

Не понял. Набор утверждений никак не связанных и не подкрепленных. как это лавина не понадобится? Прикол лавины как раз в том что не думаешь когда и куда открываться и при условии отсутствия долгого флета(не любого,а именно определенного флета, с такими параметрами, при которых конкретная лавина дохнет.) гарантирован профит, что автор и говорит. Как это "Можна будет спокойно торговать на один стабильный лот и делов то"? -здесь тоже не ясно что имелось ввиду. думаю нужно придумывать систему остановки лавины при например след. условий - суммарный объем лота больше определенной величины, или допустим, при открытии очередного ордера, расчитывать, остается ли запас на открытие след теоретического ордера, и при отсутствии такого запаса денег, закрывать все пока не поздно. В итоге должно получится, что вместо слива имеем небольшого лося, что в дальнейшем должно покрыться будущим профитом. Просто нужен наиболее эффективный метод такой остановки.

It's not clear. In the absence of a certain flat, any trend TS will chop the shit out of it. I say that if we could avoid a flat then we may without any avalanche easily chop dough by any trend TS. If you know how to avoid a flat, you may use any trend TS, even using the same primitive scales and trade yourself). That's the trick, how do you go around a flat? If we have a way to avoid a flat effectively, we won't need an avalanche.
There won't be a big moose. Have you ever dealt with martingale. If you have already hit the avalanche and the flips have started, the loss due to aggressive increasing lots will rapidly grow. But to compensate for this loss is very difficult. For the reason that martingale starts from a small lot. So even if we have a profit, it is miserable. But losses will be huge. Even a couple of reversals due to increasing the lot will cause significant losses... try to compensate for them with an initial small lot. In this case, you either go all the way to the end, or to the end of profit. In this case, the market has many drawbacks and the risk of losing profits is high. Or trade not Avalanche, because once you stop losses after say 4 flips they will be huge because you already took a big lot.
E_mc2 >>:

Ну я думаю кодеры его легко могли бы зделать. Но толку? ну и что остановит этот скрипт торговлю. Но лавина то от этого зарабатывать не начнёт. Просто не сольёт все.
Да кстати а зачем даже скрипт можна просто выставить Стоп лосс. На уровне запланированой просадки ставим стоп лосс. И всё. ВОт тебе и ограничение))

I can do it. You say that an avalanche will not drain everything, and this is already a move in the right direction, because the problem with an avalanche is that when it drains, it drains everything. By the way - SL at the level of planned drawdown (it's just the first thing that comes to mind) - not a very effective solution. If we do not go back to the flat we will go down in flux - that is a good idea. If we put all the ideas together and implement them, I think we can raise the avalanche survival rate to a high level and make it very hard to kill

goldtrader >>:

Расслабься - ты автору ничего не докажешь. Тут предпринималось уже немало попыток и всё безуспешно.
У него очевидно другие цели, он "включаент дурака", точнее намеренно не выключает его.
И многих из тех у кого с математикой и логикой не всё в порядке, уже заразил этой болезнью.
В то чтобы он не понимал и даже не пытался понять прописных истин, верится с трудом.
Береги нервы - в трейдинге они ещё пригодятся.

Yeah, I think so, too. It's hard to believe you can be so dumb that you can't understand elementary maths. I've never met anyone like that ... They even claim to trade forex and try to explain landslides to people with a smart attitude ... this is a unique guy. Either they are a fool and do not turn it off, or they are a vicious troll or real deal. Either a spiteful troll or a real idiot.
But here I do not categorically believe that he is trading, even on the demo. They don't know the basics, the fundamentals of trading. For someone who has been trading, he knows these things by heart. The author, of course, is very illiterate.
E_mc2 писал(а) >>

What's not clear. In the absence of a certain flat, any trend TS will chop the hell out of it. I am saying that if we could avoid a flat then we may without any avalanche easily chop some money by any trend TS. If you know how to avoid a flat, you may use any trend TS, even using the same primitive scales and trade yourself). That's the trick, how do you go around a flat? If we have a way to avoid a flat effectively, we won't need an avalanche.
There won't be a big moose. Have you ever dealt with martingale. If you have already hit the avalanche and the flips have started, the loss due to aggressive increasing lots will rapidly grow. But to compensate for this loss is very difficult. For the reason that martingale starts from a small lot. So even if we have a profit, it is miserable. But losses will be huge. Even a couple of reversals due to increasing the lot will cause significant losses... try to compensate for them with an initial small lot. In this case, you either go all the way to the end, or to the end of profit. In this case, the market has many drawbacks and the risk of losing profits is high. Or trade not Avalanche, because once you stop losses after say 4 flips they will be huge because you already took a big lot.

It's not working at all!!! I already wrote the time? martingale will take an avalanche. Example: a 100pp movement. - on the catch the first lot is 20pp - profit - congratulations, you win. Stop trawl - idiotic - 15pp in 15pp on mini correction will work, 40pp immediately minus 40pp of the total movement.