Avalanche - page 76

lexandros >>:
лавины только без локов... Которая мной была сделана еще лет 5 назад...
Красиво не правда ли? Клевок в конце - это я просто тестер тормознул... закрылось все... но даже и с клевком конечный результат там некисленький:))) за год 27 миллионов с тысячи...
Then why all your previous criticism? You are contradicting yourself.
JonKatana писал(а) >>

Read. All discussions on Avalanche are in this thread. I will not reply to PMs. Any ideas you or anyone else posts in a PM, I will post in the thread if I wish. If you do not want to share information - keep your ideas. I tell everyone valuable and necessary immediately in this thread. Repeat your idea in the thread - I'll answer you.

What about copyright?

khorosh >>:

А как же авторское право?

About copyright - I wrote a couple of posts ago... The copyright belongs to an unknown player who probably played on the tusks of dead mammoths...
So the ownership of the copyright of this creation to the top starter - very doubtful...
khorosh >>:

А как же авторское право?

Get a patent and submit it - then it is yours. Want something to hide - do not write to me, I discuss "Avalanche" only in public. Your idea has already been in the thread - read carefully.

lexandros wrote (a) >>
About the copyright - I wrote a couple of posts ago... The copyright belongs to an unknown player who probably played on tusks of dead mammoths...
So copyright ownership of this creation by the topicstarter is highly questionable...

I have no copyright on Avalanche or Rabbit. I give everything away completely unselfishly.
lexandros писал(а) >>

About the copyright - I wrote a couple of posts ago... The copyright belongs to an unknown player who probably played on tusks of dead mammoths...
So the ownership of the copyright of this creation by the topicstarter is highly questionable...

You do not understand what we are talking about.
JonKatana >>:
Тогда к чему вся ваша предыдущая критика? Вы противоречите сами себе.

I am not contradicting... If that were the case - I wouldn't be writing all this... On the contrary - I want to warn some hotheads... Guys - states and testers - beauty and all... The reality is completely different... I wrote about my bitter experience in this thread...

If you're willing to blow your hard-earned money go ahead...
And you'd better lay out your own real trading stats. It's the REAL trading, not theoretical calculations and your deep belief that the market will bend under us...
Here's a real statement from a real account, or even better - the login of the investor - it would be a sensation, I assure you ...

In the meantime, it's just another martin, which everyone has had enough of... And no sane person would risk betting it on the real thing... A brain twister, nothing more... Just to admire the beautiful stats...

khorosh - if everything is so fabulous - it's time to open a real account for 500 Greens (at least cents) :))))))) ( No offence )
zhuki >>:
Ваш график не похож на систему работающую по мартингейлу. Это что то другое.График при мартингейле как правило, прямой с выбросами и с видимыми увеличениями объёмов. А здесь как то не так.

Zy... And the emissions are there... you just can't see them :)... Against the general background of such global growth exponentially - the outliers look like a straight line... There is MM with increasing lot naturally... And outliers by martin look just a rough line:). However, equity drawdowns are visible to the naked eye... Closer to the end... In the beginning everything just merges into one... From 1000 to 27000000 more... The scale is so small that they are simply unnoticeable.
lexandros >>:
А Вы, лучше бы выложили стейт собственной реальной торговли. Именно РЕАЛЬНОЙ. а не теоретические выкладки, и ваши глубокие убеждения, что рынок прогнется под нас...
Find a reason for me to prove something to you. You are nobody to me and I don't care about your approval or disapproval. I don't collect votes in elections - my personal likes or dislikes are neither cool nor hot for me.

I give people a tool - a clear, well-described algorithm of "Avalanche", give options for entering and exiting it in different situations, and take into account the peculiarities of real (not theoretical) trading. If there is any reasonable criticism, I always answer. In the process of discussion new ideas are born. It's like cutting a jewel - the Avalanche is getting better and better.
Question for JonKatana.
What is the purpose of the Avalanche discussion?
Are you looking for some new approaches?
To popularize, then why?
Or are you just sharing your experience?
It's already clear that you're not seeking the glory of being an author of the system. Maybe if you answer, the discussion will become more constructive. I am not a supporter of martingale systems, but I have real experience and am willing to share.
JonKatana >>:
А вы найдите причину, чтобы я что-то доказывал вам. Вы для меня - никто и ваше одобрение или неодобрение мне безразлично. Я не голоса на выборах набираю - мне от личных симпатий или антипатий ни холодно, ни жарко.

Я даю людям инструмент - четкий, хорошо описанный алгоритм "Лавины", даю варианты входа и выхода из нее при различных ситуациях, учитываю особенности реальной (а не теоретической) торговли. Если появляется разумная обоснованная критика - я всегда отвечаю. В процессе обсуждения рождаются новые идеи. Это как огранка драгоценного камня - "Лавина" становится все совершеннее.

You don't answer everything :). You answer what you seem to know the answers to... What you don't know how to answer, you find it possible to ignore...

For example an answer to my post 31.03.2010 21:35 - I have not seen ... Go back a couple of pages and reread my post...
Why do we need loki in an avalanche? After all, this way we reduce the probability of a successful exit with a profit at least by half... Turn on a calculator or an excel and calculate.