Buy a ready made Expert Advisor with a yield of 30% per month!!! - page 5

hotjon >>:
Куплю готовый советник с доходностью от 20% в месяц и выше!!!!!!!!!!

Urain >>:

Отчего же, вот написал паренёк советник и нету у него никопья, кроме этого советника пустые карманы.

Если на форе будет рысачить два таких советника форекс не разориться а вот у паренька будет 1000 вместо 0, нармальный старт.

А с 10$ вы с доходность 20-30% на трафик больше заплатите.

Вывод : нормальный советник можно купить и за 1000$ но это разовая акция, а не стабильная продажа сов по 1000.

A one-off and most likely to someone you know.

Of course I don't know your financial capabilities and I don't want to offend anyone, but $100 (3000 rubles) to open a micro account can be afforded even by people who are not rich at all. And on 20% a month you can easily pay for traffic and even stay in profit.


In fact a lot of offers come in for ready-made advisers which in my opinion do not exist..... In nice packages, with profit margins of 100 to 300% per month and only $100 to $500 . In fact, I think it's all a scam. And it's probably undesirable if newbies like me fall for it.... Maybe I'm such a skeptic, of course..... But I don't really want to check it out.

Here are some examples:

Lord_Shadows писал(а) >>

A one-off and most likely to an acquaintance.

Of course I don't know your financial capabilities and I don't want to offend anyone, but $100 (3000 rubles) to open a micro account can be afforded even by people who are not rich at all. And for 20% a month you can easily pay for traffic and even stay in profit.

I agree about this..... But the market will not move anywhere if one "right" advisor is used by at least 100 private investors..... A private investor is like a drop in the ocean!


Take it if you're ready for big stops and takeaways.

TakeProfit=1579(0); StopLoss=474(0, five digits)

yuripk писал(а) >>

Take it if you're ready for big stops and takeaways.

TakeProfit=1579(0); StopLoss=474(0, five digits)

So where are the big stops here?

Urain >>:

Отчего же, вот написал паренёк советник и нету у него никопья, кроме этого советника пустые карманы.

Если на форе будет рысачить два таких советника форекс не разориться а вот у паренька будет 1000 вместо 0, нармальный старт.

А с 10$ вы с доходность 20-30% на трафик больше заплатите.

Вывод : нормальный советник можно купить и за 1000$ но это разовая акция, а не стабильная продажа сов по 1000.

You do not have to sell it is only to monitor onyx there are many bourgeois themselves offer dough, do not believe throw your brainchild if it is profitable, then there will be no shortage of offers, in recent years, there are many of these investors previously this was not ...

Gun >>:

Не обязательно продавать стоит только замониторить на ониксе там буржуев много сами предложат бабосы, не верите закиньте свое детище если оно прибыльное, то отбоя не будет от предложений, в последнее время чето развелось их этих инвесторов раньше такого не было...

Crisis, nowhere else to invest your money?
Galina писал(а) >>

And another thing.

It trades directly from forex, bypasses all the servers and unnecessary channels which slow down the speed of transmission, so the profitability is the same.

If he is a regular broker, he gives you 20-30%.

)))) What is "direct from forex"? >> And where is this legendary forex, that the EA bypasses all the "servers"?

Gun писал(а) >>

Do not have to sell it is only to monitor onyx there are many bourgeois themselves offer dough, do not believe throw your brainchild if it is profitable, then there will be no shortage of offers, in recent years, there are many of these investors previously such was not ...

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