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hotjon писал(а) >> there are all sorts of dealing centres (forexclub etc.), and there is - direct representation in america and britain.....

There's also forex4you - forex especially for you. Your personal forex. And there's forex club - there's a whole forex club there. Come in, don't be shy - everything is just for you....))))

LeoV писал(а) >>

Forex is a business like any other, only much riskier. Do you know how much a business is worth, how its value is calculated? A business is minimally worth as much as it generates in a year. Depending on the business, it may be worth a year, two years, or three. So do the math. Why sell cheaper?

I don't think you can calculate....... and it's a bit different from business...there's a lot of risk.... You can also put 1,000,000,000 ..... it's not about how much you can earn on it but how much effort and time was spent on development and how effectively it works!!!!

LeoV писал(а) >>

There's also forex4you - forex especially for you. Your personal forex. And there's forex club - there's a whole forex club there. Come in, don't be shy - everything is just for you....))))

I will somehow figure out for myself where to go and where not to go.....You're too smart, change the audience and I'm afraid you will degrade here...... go and search forex, then you will tell me about your success.....

hotjon >>:

Я как-нибудь сам разберусь куда мне ходить а куда нет.....Ты какой-то, выдимо, сильно умный, смени аудиторию а то боюсь деградируешь здесь...... сходи ещё форексы поищи потом расскажешь как успехи.....

RIV, hi!) I couldn't recognise you in your make-up!

hotjon >>:

На мой взгляд лучше работать без посредников - отсюда и вывод !!!

What makes you so sure that you will work there without any intermediaries at all when the dealing is actually an intermediary between you and the market, and what intermediaries are we talking about when the dealing only brings its aggregate to the market?

Or maybe I don't know what you mean? I am a beginner, so please don't kick me too much.

Gun писал(а) >>

What makes you so sure that you will work there without any intermediaries at all when the dealing is actually an intermediary between you and the market, and what intermediaries are we talking about if the dealing only brings its aggregate to the market?

Or maybe I don't know what you mean? I am a beginner, if anything do not kick me.

I am not really an old timer either! In my understanding there is an official forex and there are brokerage companies (that directly represent platforms and access to them), hence the perception that all brokers work with an official representative ......

Probably something like this......

Swetten писал(а) >>

RIV, hi!) I don't recognise you in your make-up.

I wonder what I look like.


The RIV, who else? Just my twin brother!

Don't be shy, RIV! :)

Swetten писал(а) >>

The RIV, who else? Just my twin brother!

Don't be shy, RIV! :)


Who's RIV? >> introduce me?

hotjon писал(а) >>

I'm not really an old timer either!!! In my mind there is official forex and there are brokerage companies (which directly represent platforms and access to them), hence the perception that all brokers work with an official representative anyway......

Probably something like this......

Old boy, you should have studied the subject first before posting on this forum that is "official forex" with representative offices in america and britain. )))))

hotjon wrote(a) >> is the direct representative office in america and uk.....
For the record, is as much a middleman's office as any other, only of course a very large one.