Buy a ready made Expert Advisor with a yield of 30% per month!!! - page 4


For 1,000 no one will sell an EA stably earning 20% per month. For a year such an EA will bring about 7,000 (with monthly reinvestment) in net income, from the same 1,000.

There are only three options to buy something.

The first is to buy something that does not bring money to its creator. Here the payment options depend on the seller's imagination ($1-1,000).

The second is to buy for money that is identical to its real value with respect to profit (well, here you can ask for any high price).

The third is the price corresponding to the initial capital for the work of the Expert Advisor (this is necessary for the martingale strategies, where the initial capital is measured in thousands of US dollars).

P.S. I have my own developed martingale, the profitability of 10-20% per month for 10 years. Starting price of capital for work 3.000 with 0.01 lot.

Your offer...

Galina писал(а) >>

Don't you get confused by this question:

Do you really think anyone would sell you a really good EA for 1,000 bucks?

Why, when you can earn that much money on it in a week?

You may want to think about it sometime in your spare time.

They will sell you something that was profitable six months ago, and now it is a worn-out piece of junk.

And you'll foolishly buy it.

For a thousand bucks on the road, and experts good craftsmen usually test the system for real, this also needs money :)).

I created the theme in order to clarify the programmers' needs!!! I think the trader who has an EA earning 20-30% a month needs little, if he sells an EA, it's probably out of the goodness of his heart! But there are, I suppose, people who understand programming, but for example, they don't have seed money.....But in this case, I think we can help each other. Undoubtedly there are probably other options!!!

Swetten >>:

Эх! Мой советник только 19.5% в месяц даёт... Пойду выкину его!

Hi, where did you get such an advisor, what's the name?

Looked around, there are so many here you can't test them in a lifetime, are there any really worthwhile options here to think about and sit on?

Alexanders1986 >>:

Привет, а где взял такого советника, как называется?

Посмотрел, здесь их столько, что за всю жизнь не протестишь, есть здесь действительно стоящие варианты, над которыми можно подумать и посидеть?

See here.
Lord_Shadows писал(а) >>

For 1,000 no one will sell an EA stably earning 20% per month. For a year such an EA will bring about 7,000 (with monthly reinvestment) in net profit, from the same 1,000.

There are only two options to buy something.

The first is to buy something that does not bring money to its creator. Here the options of payment depending on the seller's imagination ($1-1,000).

The second is to buy for money that is identical to its real value with respect to profit (well, here you can ask for any high price).

The third, the price corresponds to the initial capital for the work of the EA (this is necessary for martingale strategies, where the initial capital is measured in thousands of US dollars).

Somehow everything is complicated..... I, for example, little understand programming (at the testing stage). To write myself, I while I will not be able to neither an adviser nor anything like this..... I think I'm not alone like that.....This site has provided many advisors, but none of them (yet) did not satisfy even 10% of the requirements of the month. But I still think it is possible!!! I am training in MT4 for about three months, but I trade mostly intuitively (this scares me, gives me insecurity in a real account) ..... On good days it can be 100% a day..... But mostly 50-150% a month....

It seems like everything is fine, but I would probably worry a lot more on a real account.....

in short, i think the development has gotten to the point of writing such programs...!!

Alexanders1986 писал(а) >>

Hi, where did you get such an advisor, what's its name?

hotjon >>:

Как-то всё сложновато.....Я, допустим, мало чего понимаю в программировании(на стадии тестирования). Написать сам я пока не смогу ни советника ни чего подобного..... Мне кажется я не один такой.....На этом сайте предоставлено много советников, но как-то ни один из них(пока) не удовлетворил даже 10% требований в месяц. Но я всё же считаю что это возможно!!! Я иренируюсь в MT4 наверное месяца три, но тогрую я в основном интуитивно(это и пугает, вселяя неуверенность на реальном счёте).....В хорошие дни бывает 100% в день.....Но в осовном 50-150% в месяц....

Кажется что, как бы, всё хорошо, но на реальном счёте наверное буду переживать гораздо сильнее.....

короче говоря, я думаю, что развитие уже дошло до того чтоб писать такие программы...!!!

I don't understand the question... I don't think they will sell it even for $100,000.

P.S. Regarding whether it is possible or impossible to steadily earn 10-20% per month, I have in my profile the link to monitoring demo on martin.

Lord_Shadows >>:

За 1,000 никто не продаст советник стабильно зарабатывающий 20% в месяц. За год такой советник принесёт порядка 7,000 (с помесячным реинвестированием) чистого дохода, с той же 1,000.

Why, the guy wrote an EA and has no pockets, except for this EA and empty pockets.

If you have two of these forex advisors, you won't go broke, but the guy will have 1000 instead of 0, a good start.

And with 10$ you will pay more with 20-30% return on traffic.

Conclusion: you can buy a normal EA for $ 1000, but this is a one-time action, not a stable sale of owls for 1000.

Lord_Shadows писал(а) >>

I don't understand the question... I don't think they will sell it even for $100,000.

P.S. As for whether it is possible or impossible to stably earn 10-20% per month, I have a link to monitor the demo on martin in my profile.

No it is at me last three months on intuitive level get 50-150% per month.

Urain писал(а) >>

But why, the guy wrote an EA and he doesn't have a nickel, except for this EA, he has empty pockets.

If you are going to trot two of these EAs, forex will not go bankrupt, but the guy will have 1000 instead of 0, a normal start.

And with 10$ you will pay more with 20-30% return on traffic.

Conclusion: You can buy a normal EA for $ 1000, but this is a one-time action, not a stable sale of owls for 1000.

I also think that if I have saved money somewhere else, but I do not understand programming, then perhaps there are those who have not saved, but in programming understand very well!