PPZ calculation - help to refine - page 9

Dserg >>:

Ну так, цена же не на пустом месте остановилась, эти уровни раньше были, и цена о них помнит.

А как обидно было бы закупиться на самой вершине, не зная о сопротивлении выше.

Have you tried optimising your code as functions like Scriptongdid ?

Only he distorted your algorithm in his own way...

I'd like a fast one, but just to work like your indu.....

qwerewq >>:

Вы не пробовали оптимизировать свой код в виде функций как это сделал Scriptong?

Только он исказил ваш алгоритм на свой лад...

Хотелось бы быстрый, но только чтобы работал как ваш индюк.....

I think... I'm fine with 30-60 seconds at this stage, as I build levels once every 0 hours and for the whole day. Now I plan to get better at trending, and I also have to work and trade at some point :)
Dserg >>:

Думаю... Меня на данном этапе 30-60 секунд устраивает, т.к. я строю уровни 1 раз в 0 часов и на весь день. Сейчас планирую лучше трендовым заняться, да ещё и работать и торговать надо когда-то :)

Do you trade with your hands?

You'd better show the trend one, what kind of algorithm sits there, and we'll rewrite it if we need to..... About building it once... - Interesting idea, I should think about it...


Made a prototype trend indicator.

It draws as programmed, but so far it's pretty useless. I have to think how to improve it.


I've added filters - it's much better, but there's still work to be done.

It has a 100% load on my CPU and the second core is showing 0 for some reason.
I think in time YOU will have a very good indicator.

So much effort, but it's essentially Likhovidov's folding meter, built on fractal levels... just a little filtered...

Put down the code for this folding meter :)

There is no code, just lines (dotted lines) from local extrema...