How I paid my taxes... - page 2

Yeah... not everyone loves our government enough to pay taxes... if only they cared about us so much, they only know how to take the leftovers
Fx32 >>:
мда.. не все так любят наше государство чтоб платить налоги... еслиб еще и оно об нас так заботилось, только остатки отбирать умеют

What's love got to do with it, asseye? It's about not getting your ass handed to you.

(I don't think racketeers get paid out of sheer love for them.))

Svinozavr писал(а) >>

Don't ask me about my mental health, OK?

No questions then...)


Everyone is so happy, taxes ..... %) what's wrong with you? don't understand russia.

Svinozavr >>:

Так у тебя ДЦ по Форексу (я подчеркиваю - именно по Форексу!) сам платит, т.е. является налоговым агентом?

It's just a generalisation...

Perhaps some of the family will think of "shobbos in Mauritius".

And we'll sort out the tax ourselves...


But yes, the main one is the bank of the Russian Federation.

(hopefully soon there will be RFbanks )

Investor888 >>:

Все так рады, налогам ..... %) что с вами?

..умом россию не понять

You know, you sleep better...

And when there's a bank, it's easier to work.

(in the sense of input/output/security)


No need to post pictures...

The sections of the software on the left are in bold,

and what's in the margins is easy to find...

Prog by the way, over the years almost unchanged in the face.

Setting conditions:
There is income
left only the "In foreign currency" box
the adjustment number apparently in case of repeated requests???

I'm still writing a null...

The rest is like no questions.

Income outside the Russian Federation:
Name of source of payment
Broxer Ltd.
country code

480 (Mauritius)

As far as I remember it is necessary to write each payment for the accounting period.

In general on this section the most questions...

The code of the income entered 2900 "Income in the form of a currency exchange difference

kombat >>:

Спится знаете спокойнее...

Uh-huh. You could think of it as paying for triple glazing to keep you awake.


And when there's a bank, it works.

(in the sense of input/output/security)

I'm in Mauritius...(((.

=== 2

2 Investor888

For me, the stock exchange (and now the fora) is not a pastime. I have been formally unemployed since 2004 and without a declared income would look rather odd. If not outrageous...

Svinozavr >>:

=== 2

2 Investor888

У меня биржа (а вот теперь и фора) - не развлечение. Я - формально безработный с 2004 г., и без декларируемого дохода смотрелся бы довольно странно. Если не сказать - вызывающе...

By the way, yes!

Word on the street is. It's unlikely to be the same as before, but it will be "jerked off by the statute".

So when you're asked why you're not working, you have to report. Otherwise you'll be forced to work.


kombat >>:

Кстати да!

Поговаривают что. Статью как раньше наврядли введут, но "задрочат по уставу".

То бишь на вопрос почему не работаешь дОлжОн отрапортовать. Иначе на принудиловку.


101 kilometres! Or even worse - they will force them to sell their hands!

That's awful.

Come on... Who cares...